WASHINGTON, DC — Love him or hate him, President Trump just did something that former college graduates/alumni of all political backgrounds will thank him for. His proposal last Monday provided funding to forgive $7.7 Billion of Student Loan Debt to those who are struggling to pay off their debts.


Call To See If I Qualify

The Trump Administration recently made the statement:

“Our student loan system is clearly broken. Loan companies are using unethical tactics to get students to take out more and more loans. After they graduate, most aren’t able to find a job. Now these loan companies call and harass them everyday for payments they can’t afford. We’re changing that.”

The government would like as many people as possible to lower their student loan payments. There are many programs that can either forgive your student loan or dramatically lower your student loan payment down to $0.

Call 855-221-9282 to see if you qualify.

What You Can Do About It?

The time to act is now. This program may end any time without notice. If you or a loved one is struggling with crippling student loan debt it’s not your fault and you’re not alone.

Over 40 Million Americans are currently struggling with their student loans. You can get help simply call the number below to speak with a student loan forgiveness counselor. Every day you wait your student loan is getting bigger.

New Student Relief Helpline provides a
Free 2-min Eligibility Check

Click Here Now to Call