Beer and college often have a way of ending up together. Mini-coolers, frat-house parties, and so much more. Beer is apart of Americana. In America, when people are hurting, we often step up to the plate. That’s what one beer company is doing, offer millions in student loan relief. You might have a shot at winning your cut of the prize!

Natural Lite, owned by Anheuser-Busch, wants to help bring student loan relief to the masses. They look out and see many millions of people suffering under the burden of their debt. The average student leaves college $37,000 in the hole. That’s a lot of money that can often take decades to fully pay off.

This program isn’t a new one. In fact, it’s Anheuser-Busch resurrecting their College Debt Relief Program. This was a contest they ran last year, giving $1 million to a handful of Natural Light drinkers. Natural Light first ran this contest as a way of allowing people to “remember college for the good times.”

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How to Win Student Loan Relief Prize

Natural Light is doing this year’s contest a little different. They want fans of the beer to create a fun video and post it on social media with the right hashtags. The videos must be with the beer and showing a fun and spontaneous lifestyle. They will then score each video. 70 people are slated to win some prize, between $10,000 and $40,000.

That’s not all! Natural Light wants to offer more student loan relief. They want people to be able to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday, regardless of how much debt they have. So, they’re going to give 151 drinkers of their beer $351. That’s the average monthly student loan payment. Rather than sacrificing to pay the debt, Natural Light wants those people to party.

Student loan debt has hit $1.5 trillion dollars. Natural Light is tapping into the anxiety caused. This is why they’re offering student loan relief to many of their fans. Most people suffering under this burden are young adults, so this is a great way to advertise. Millennials have been taking the brunt of the ordeal.

Good Press

Of course, Natural Light is trying to seek good press from this contest. They aren’t the only ones taking advantage of this crisis. A few months ago, we reported the start of a new game show that offered student loan relief as a prize. If you won, your debt would be paid for. Many companies are also starting to offer benefits that include loan repayment.

While it seems these companies are willing to help for a little good press, the government still owns this. Still, they refuse to help solve this crisis. In fact, they even appear to be working against the interests of millions of suffering Americans. The federal government owns it all and could offer student loan relief if they wanted. They clearly don’t.

Soon, this debt is going to massively and negatively impact the economy. At some point, they will be forced to stand up and help the people. We’re still holding onto hope and we’ll break it to you when it happens.