Most of us at some point in our lives have shared the desire to become a millionaire. To have a seemingly endless supply of money and less financial concern is attractive. It is estimated that there are 10 million millionaires in the United States. For the rest of us, it seems as if struggling financially will be our common theme.

But what if there are certain traits that allowed a person to become a millionaire? What would happen if we followed these traits and applied them to our lives? The reality is, millionaires don’t live like the rest of us. They don’t think as we do. They have a motor that won’t let them quit reaching for the stars.

So, let’s take a look at several traits millionaires have that can change the way we see money and wealth. Note: In no way are we saying that you’ll become a millionaire by doing these things. We’re simply sharing traits that can improve your relationship with money.

1) Millionaires are Extremely Focused

Most millionaires did not wake up with money in their bank account. There’s this common idea that if you have a lot of money, it was passed down to you. That’s not true at all. One common trait all millionaires share is that they had a single goal. It’s not just the goal that one day they would have a lot of money. We all have that goal.

But that wealth became a single driving factor. They focused on and molded their life around it. No matter what obstacle they came before them, they crashed through and kept going. That’s the difference between them and us. The ‘common’ person usually gets scared off the path. Something gets in their way and they immediately veer off where there’s less resistance.

We don’t take chances. We don’t keep fighting for our dreams. Learning from our mistakes seems hard to us. So, the very first obstacle that comes our way makes us want to give up and go in a different direction. This is not what successful people do. Millionaires know what their goal is and they’re focused on getting there. Nothing can sway them.

2) They’re Always Improving Themselves

Sort of going along with the first point, millionaires decide to learn from their mistakes. They try something, it fails, and they learn how to do it a different way. This is how most inventions and cures are discovered. Successful people don’t take no for an answer. In this way, they’re constantly looking for new ways to improve themselves.

In order to figure it out, people who become millionaires are always continuing their education. This doesn’t mean they go back to college but are regularly reading books, watching videos, and attending seminars. They understand the value of learning from those who came before and blazed new trails.

3) They Take Risks

One major trait millionaires have is that they’re not afraid to take risks. That doesn’t mean every single risk is rewarded. A lot of risks end up failing, but that’s part of the fun. Not being afraid of failure and knowing they will learn from it is what allows them to go beyond the norm. There’s no such thing as a wasted opportunity.

The rest of us like to play it safe. We might get a great idea, but we put it on the shelf and forget about it. Or we get too busy and our dreams fade away. We even have a lot of self-doubts that prevents us from getting outside of our comfort zone. Millionaires jump at the chance to seize any opportunity they can get their hands on.

4) They’re Not Big Spenders

This might seem contradictory at first. You’re thinking, “Rich people are always spending money. They have expensive cars and huge mansions.” But that’s just enjoying the fruits of their labor AFTER they’ve made it. Their big philosophy is not to work for money, but to have their money work for them. That happens by crunching and saving until they reach their point of success.

5) Millionaires Lead

Millionaires tend to be a ‘take charge’ type of people. They don’t sit back and wait for something to happen. They don’t let fear hold them back. If they want something, they go get it. If they have a goal, they’ll do whatever it takes to reach it. And they don’t just keep that energy to themselves. They reach out to others and lead by example.

Being a leader isn’t just being ‘the boss’. It means inspiring others and lifting them up as they go. That means a lot of people will want to be around those who can elevate their sense of being and awareness. When you’re around more successful people, it changes your thinking. You feel less sorry for yourself and work harder to reach your goals. This is what natural leaders do.