It’s time to put your house up for sale. Maybe the kids moved out and it’s time to downsize. Or you have a new family on the way it is time to upscale. Either way, you’re ready to put your home up for sale and move on to bigger (or smaller) things. But don’t hire a realtor just yet! There are a few steps you should take first before the ‘FOR SALE’ sign makes it to the yard.

Sprucing up a few things will help make your home look more attractive to prospective buyers. It can also improve the value of your home. Have a checklist to look at a few areas you might consider upgrading and improving before putting your home up for sale. Here are three steps to improve the value of your home:

Step One: Declutter Your Home

If you’ve lived in your home for several years, you’re bound to have collective a lot of stuff over that time. A lot of it might not be things that you use in your everyday life. Old blankets, toys the kids don’t play with, out of season clothing, large utensils. Check out the tools you only use once or twice a year, exercise equipment (that you also only use once or twice a year), holiday decorations.

Even boxes from the last move you still have not unpacked. People have a lot of stuff. All these things fill your home and can actually make rooms looks smaller and more cluttered. By cleaning this stuff out, you can really help your moving process go smoother. Not only will it give you more room, it will make a house cleaner and more attractive to prospective buyers.

You can have a garage sale if it’s old stuff you don’t need anymore. You don’t have to completely get rid of it either. Renting a storage unit to store those possessions will clean your home until it sells. The more space you have to show, the better your chances at getting that sale.

Step Two: Get Estimates to Replace Big Ticket Items

Again, depending on how long you’ve lived somewhere, it won’t hurt to do a little upgrading where needed. Have you noticed the washer or the dryer starting to break down? Did you raise three kids and two dogs on the same carpet and it’s looking a bit worn? Is the roof ready to be re-shingled? These upgrades will help improve the value of your home.

Nothing will turn away a prospective buyer quicker than seeing you have old appliances. If you still have a kitchen that looks straight out of the 1970s, it can seem like too much extra work. Buy upgrading your kitchen, bathrooms, and slapping on a new coat of paint, it will go far.

Step Three: Get an Inspection

While you’re in the mood of replacing things, don’t forget the pre-home inspection. That will allow you to see areas of your home that might need to be fixed or improved. In the same tone, do a bit of inspecting yourself. Stand down by the road and take a good look at the property. What do you notice? Does everything look like and kept up? Or are the shrubs overrun and the grass is ragged?

You better believe that prospective buyers will also hire someone to do an inspection. If you get those areas fixed ahead of time, it will go a long way. Again, if a buyer sees the home requires a lot of work, it can scare them away. Having those areas fixed first will attract them to a place that appears ready to move in.

Anything you can do to make your home look brand new is the key. Fix up each area, like the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. Replace old and worn out appliances. Give the walls a fresh coat of paint. Put as much work into that house as needed to attract any and all potential home buyers.