Life is often strange and unpredictable. All it takes is one single incident to change the course of your life forever. Sadly, most Americans aren’t prepared for any bad things to happen. In fact, it’s estimated by the Federal Reserve that 44% of us don’t even have $400 in savings if we had an emergency. Depending on the emergency, you’d be out of luck!

A single emergency room visit alone, without insurance, costs anywhere between $150 and $3,000. But emergency room visits are only a single type of emergency. Imagine suddenly losing your job, your house burning down, or a natural disaster hits. How would you make it through? Would you survive the direct impact that even has on your life?

Here’s a list of ways you can get through an emergency situation if you don’t have money saved up.

1) You Can Sell Your Hair

This might seem like an odd thing to do, but if you have long hair, it can be quite valuable. A lot of people donate their hair to Locks of Love or other charities, but in a pinch, you can also sell it. There are several websites out there that you can sell your hair to from anywhere between $100 and $1,000, giving you a few extra bucks in a pinch.

2) Get Some Side Work

There’s nothing wrong with rolling up the sleeves and doing a little extra work for a few bucks. Maybe someone needs help with something, like a neighbor, who can pay you. Think about being a teenager again. How did you make money? Maybe you shoveled snow off driveways or mowed lawns.

There are some websites out there, like TaskRabbit, that allows you to find quick little jobs people need done. They can be chores or other tasks you will be paid to get done. Every little bit helps when you’re in a pinch.

3) Sell Some Stuff

Between garage sales and pawn shops, you have the capacity to rid of a few things you don’t need anymore. Most of us have things we’ve collected over the years. Perhaps some of it is quite valuable. Even if it’s not, you never know what someone is willing to buy. Selling old clothes, books, movies, etc, can be a great way to raise extra cash.

4) Crowdfunding

Indiegogo and GoFundMe are popular crowdfunding sites. Sometimes it pays off to push down your pride and simply ask for some help. Human beings love to help each other out and raising money to get through a tough time isn’t a bad thing at all. It can really help you get out of your bind. Friends and family often love to help, too, so don’t think of yourself as a burden.

5) Sell Stuff on Etsy

If you’re great at making things, that might benefit you. Maybe you only knit as a hobby and give away to family and friends, but you can sell your stuff and make extra cash. Websites like Etsy let people sell handmade products. It can take some time to really get good at selling, but many have made a living off the site.

Life can be difficult at times. The absolute best way to overcome any obstacles that come is to save your money. Have a rainy day fund so you’re always covered. The best advice is to save up at least 6 months’ worth of living expenses. Often times, emergencies hit you in more than only place, so be sure to have all your bases covered. Even if they’re not covered, hopefully these tips will help you get through it.