Your credit score can impact a lot more than you realize it does. We’re talking about its ability to keep you from making major life decisions, taking care of yourself during an emergency, or even the ability to save money. Low credit scores can also be blamed for causing issues in relationships and putting a person in turnoff territory.

Low credit scores can cause higher interest rates, expensive insurance, and so much more. Sometimes, a bad score isn’t the person’s fault. Perhaps they had a medical emergency and are now trying to pay back a lot of debt. A divorce and big spending by a spouse can lead to it as well. Either way, low credit scores make life difficult.

The new middle class is essentially a person who is making a decent amount, but are unable to save. A lot of them don’t have health insurance, which costs them big time in the end. There’s new information coming by Elevate, a company that looks at data from non prime Americans. To be considered non prime, you must have a credit score below 700.

Those with a low credit score are finding out they have a harder time financially than those with a good credit score. This might seem obvious, but it happens in ways you might not expect. Their incomes are less steady. They’re paying a lot more for things that someone with good credit is paying less for.

Credit Scores and Dating

42% of people who were surveyed said the person’s credit score played some role in their interest in another person. This is an interesting statistic found by Bankrate and Princeton Survey Research Associates International. A good credit score says someone is responsible with their finances and money issues cause problems in relationships.

Women are rightfully more judgmental about credit scores than men. The survey looked at 1,000 adults and found about half of the women said they wouldn’t date someone with a bad credit score. Men care less about it, with only 35% saying the same. Older millennials are the group that seems to care the most about the subject.

There are very good reasons for this. Low credit scores can make it nearly impossible to buy a house, get an auto loan, get any type of loan if one is needed, and so much more. Even if they’re able to find that one company out there willing to give them, let’s say, a mortgage, they’d pay nearly $50,000 more than people with good credit.

This is ultimately what makes life more difficult for people with a lower credit score. They’re shelling out a lot more money and it’s catching up to them. They make higher monthly payments and can’t seem to get ahead in their finances. This is why it’s essential to focus on improving your credit score and saving money any way you can.