Do you consider yourself an online shopper? Are you hungry for some of the best deals of the year so far? Then hold on to your hats! Amazon Prime Day 2019 is on its way! Prime Day is the Black Friday of summer shopping sales found only Amazon! Such amazing deals will be had during this two-day extravaganza and you have to be prepared for it!

2019 will be Amazon’s fifth year hosting its annual Prime Day sale. This sale is designed to attract people who have Amazon Prime by offering them amazing deals they can’t find anywhere else. Again, imagine Black Friday and all the people lining up to get their favorite stuff ridiculously cheap. That’s exactly how Prime Day works!

The best part is, every single year, Prime Day has gotten bigger! More amazing products have found themselves as the target of incredible sales than ever before. This year hopes to be an even bigger turnout than ever before. Now that the economy is surging and people have more spending money, this should be a record year for Amazon.

What We Know About Prime Day So Far

Prime Day is set to begin on Monday, July 15th right at midnight and last a full 36 hours through the 16th. It’s unknown what kind of deals we can expect, but Amazon is already revealing several pre-Prime Day sales, so head on over to Amazon to see those deals and many others. At least you have a few weeks to save your money if you plan on indulging in a bit of early-holiday shopping!

We do usually expect electronics to be a favorite. Amazon always puts out a cheaper Kindle Fire, 4K TVs, Fire TV sticks, headphones, and so much more. They even offer discounts on their other goods, like cooking utensils, Instant Pot, vacuums, and other household items. Still, we won’t know for sure until we get closer to the event.

This year is also really good news if you’re looking to save extra money. Both eBay and Target have announced plans to try and upstage Amazon by offering amazing sales of their own. So, if you’re really looking to save a lot of money, you have the perfect chance in mid-July to do a bit of sale shopping!

The difference between Target and eBays sales verses Amazon’s is that you don’t need a Prime membership for Target and eBay. Amazon requires a Prime membership to take advantage of their sales. This is one area where Walmart and other stores can try to compete with the online retail super-giant.