Hey, there’s no shame in admitting that we love our pets. Like, we really love them. They’re a furry part of our family that we’ll always cherish. We love our pets so much that collectively, Americans spend around $70 billion every year to take care of them. This information is according to the American Pet Products Association. That’s a lot of love!

“Today more than ever, pet owners view their pets as irreplaceable members of their families and lives,” says APPA president and CEO Bob Vetere, “and it’s thanks to this that we continue to see such incredible growth within the pet care community.”

When it comes to food alone, we spend nearly $30 billion each year. It’s certainly the most expensive aspect of taking care of a pet. We need to feed them as often as we feed our own kids. If you’re going through a frustrating time financially, having enough money to feed your pets can be a challenge. Here are five ways to save money while buying pet food.

Way #1: Don’t Buy Brand Names

This is an easy step. We do the same thing when we’re struggling a bit financially. Why spending the extra several dollars for a name brand when the off brand is practically the same product? I mean, we know it’s a little less quality, but the price is often in our sweet spot. It’s the easiest way to still get the food we need while saving a few dollars.

At the end of the day, feeding your pets should be about nutrition. The premium brands aren’t more nutritious than the cheaper stuff on the market. They just have known brand names and can afford to stick their product on the shelf and command higher dollar for it. So, don’t be afraid to skimp and buy a cheaper brand of food.

Way #2: Look for Great Deals

It’s likely that the local pet stores around you have deals to get customers in the door. Maybe they have email lists and regularly send coupons. They might even have a customer membership club to join. If you have pets, it definitely makes sense to take advantage of these programs. They can ultimately save you a bundle of cash in the long run.

Way #3: Buy Food in Bulk

Another way to buy food is to get it in bulk. It works in human stores as well. Many people save a lot of money buy buying what they need and use often in bulk. You can do the same with pet food. Don’t always good for the smaller bags, even though they’re often cheaper than the larger ones. Usually the larger bags will give you the better deal. You can even use your Amazon Prime membership to get bulk pet food sent right to your door!

Way #4: Feed Your Pet Adequately

A lot of pet owners don’t pay attention to serving sizes when they feed their pets. They just fill up the bowl whenever they see it empty or when the pet begs for food. That can mean they’re being overfed, which costs more money. If money is tight and you see your pet might be gaining some weight, put them on a diet. Ration their food out appropriate for their size, age, and breed.

Way #5: Make them Treats

If you enjoy cooking and providing for your family, you can do the same for your pet. They love to eat whatever they can, so why not make them daily treats? It can save you money to buy the ingredients and make them yourselves. There are plenty of Pinterest recipes you can use. Just make sure it’s both tasty and nutritious for your pet!