Humans are social creatures.  Whether we like to admit it, we need the help of others to survive.  From the moment we’re born, our survival is crucial to the efforts of others. The way we grow, develop, and learn are all filtered through the understanding. Interpretations of our family, friends, our world shape our level of stress and productivity.

Even those who tend to lean towards being more independent can attest to needing a helping hand. They, too, need a kind word, a hug or two, advice, time out with friends, a companion, love, and marriage. It’s not just for survival either. Our need for others connects directly to our level of happiness as well. 

If you want proof of humans being wired to gain nourishment from social interactions, all you have to do is turn on your computer. The internet’s most popular websites where people spend the majority of their time. They are social networks that allow them to connect with family and friends all over the world.  Services like Skype take networking to the next level by allowing us to have video conversations with anyone.

Outside of the technological realm, the importance of socializing on our health, happiness, and longevity has been studied for decades. “The Roseto Effect” has researchers keeping tabs on a close-knit community of Italian-Americans in Roseto, Pennsylvania. They seem to defy the odds by living longer, healthier lives than average Americans.

The Roseto Effect and Stress

It was over thirty years ago when researchers first became baffled by a phenomenon that defied all medical logic.  The citizens of Roseto had half the heart attack death rate compared to the rest of the United States.  Why was this statistic so baffling to the scientific community that it led to decades of studies?  

It wasn’t a proper diet or lifestyle you’d see any different in any other blue-collared American town.  The men of Roseto smoked like chimneys and drank wine freely. Their diets were full of modernized Italian cuisine, eaten in large quantities.  What was so different about the people of Roseto, Pennsylvania that garnered researchers and scientists alike to pay attention?

Socialization.  Networking. Neighborliness on a scale large enough to make Mr. Rodgers smile.  Roseto was a close-knit community of people who embodied the American dream. They feasted together, celebrated together, came together to help out when a neighbor was in need.  The elderly aren’t sent away, but taken care of as each home has three generations living under the same roof. Together they enjoyed many communal rituals, such as social clubs, evening strolls, and church festivals.  These all somehow combined to bring good health and happiness to the people of Roseto.  

Power of the Clan

“The Power of the Clan” is a report on the Roseto Effect. It was conducted by physician Stewart Wolf and sociologist John Bruhn. Their study covered a period of time between 1935 to 1984. It highlighted the fact that when a community bonds together, it actually contributes to the health and wellness of that community.  On the flip side, a lack of concern and disconnection between residents can lead to the opposite effect.

“We looked at the social structure of healthy communities,” Wolf said. “We found that they are characterized by stability and predictability. In those communities, each person has a clearly defined role in the social scheme.”

There’s no doubt that socializing makes us feel good.  Whether it’s waiting in line at the grocery store and talking to the person next to you or being with family and friends, we are stimulate in ways that make us happy.  In fact, it’s detrimental to our emotional well-being.

According to the Gallup-Healthways Happiness-Stress Index study, we are at our happiest when we spend time socializing.  Over 140,000 Americans were surveyed. It found that those who performed the worst on the Happiness-Stress index were at home all day. They had zero hours of social time.  The opposite was true for those who devoted a large amount of time with others. The ratio rose literally with each hour of socialization.

Fighting Stressors

If you’re wondering how this works, it all begins with stress.  When stress levels are high and cortisol rises in the body, it can lead to a rise in blood pressure. It also destabilizes the immune system.  Constant stress leads to all kinds of issues, from heart disease to other illnesses. They seem to find their way into a compromised system. 

According to Shelley Taylor, a professor in psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles, there is a cure for high stress levels that can ultimately lead to longer, healthier lives.  “(Social contact with others) has effects on the body that are more powerful than cigarette smoking and your cholesterol level,” said Taylor. “The magnitude is very strong.”

This is the answer that baffled researchers many decades before in Roseto.  Socialization is key to our ultimate health. It cuts down on the amount of stress we carry around in our bodies.  Increased socialization impacts our health at the same magnitude smoking does. It’s no wonder the people of Roseto have less heart attack deaths than the rest of the country.