The iconic Whopper has been around for just over 6 decades! Recently, Burger King has been trying new ways to get their brand more attention. Over the past few months, it was the Impossible Whopper, with patties made of plants. Now, as we cruise through fall, they are updating their famous burger again. This time, it’s the Ghost Whopper.

There are not too many differences this time around. It’s the same burger, but they use a white, cheddar cheese bun. It will be released on October 24th in a few select restaurants, so you might have to do a bit of searching to find one. What’s interested are the advertisements for the Ghost Whopper. Burger King hired a psychic to do a ‘spirit taste test.’

“‘It’s beyond belief to experience this taste,’ said one of the spirits,” Burger King said in a press release. “Another one affirmed, ‘It’s filth!’ Others just didn’t know what they were holding in their hands because they’ve never seen a hamburger in their lifetime.”

Burger King and Their Connection to Halloween

This isn’t the first time Burger King revealed a new Whopper in time for Halloween. Last year, they sold a Nightmare King, which was a twist on their popular chicken sandwich. That time the bun was green. You might remember a few years back when the flavor of the season was the blackened bun made with A-1 sauce.

When Stranger Things came out earlier in the year, they promoted the “Upside-Down Whopper.” It wasn’t anything fancy. Just the regular whopper with the bottom bun on top and the top bun on the bottom. It’s interesting how they make a few small changes to the sandwich and are then able to promote it.

While most of these changes are obviously temporary and limited, one change will be permanent. The Impossible Whopper, made entirely of plants, including the meat patties, will remain a fixture. Burger King said that the rollout was a massive success and has brought new customers to their restaurant. There’s a growing group of people in the country who are moving away from eating meat.

Burger King operates in what’s considered a hyper-competitive industry. You won’t find too many fast food fans who are loyal to a single establishment. They’ll eat whatever their mood strikes. With many fast food joints in every town and city to choose from, attracting customers is difficult. That’s why the King, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendy’s, Sonic, and others are always looking to create new interest in their product.