Today is Halloween, so what candy is going to be consumed more than others? According to a new Monmouth University poll, it’s Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The survey asked 1,161 adults about what they like to eat and buy on Halloween. It wasn’t a massive majority, as it was only 36% who voted this way. The next highest was Snickers at 18% and M&Ms at 11%.

Other candies were much less at only 6% of the combined vote. This goes to show how much people love Reese’s on Halloween. They do usually have the most creative ads when the holiday starts rolling around. That seems to be the major indicator of how many people buy their candy this time of year.

Other candies that were also voted include Skittles, Starbursts, Hershey bars, and Tootsie roll pops. It’s interesting to note that certain candies did better in different regions. For example, Starbursts are the most popular Halloween candies in Michigan. Snickers is the most popular in the Southwest.

You might not believe it, but even candy corn made the list! “Candy corn even making the list may surprise some people, but it is one of the top-selling Halloween candies in the country,” said Patrick Murray, director of the independent Monmouth University Polling Institute.”We don’t know if it’s one of the top-eaten candies, but it does have a fan base. And candy corn makes great fake teeth to creep out your parents with,” he said.

Halloween Night

Considering today is Halloween, millions of kids and teens are expected to be trick-or-treating. It’s important to remember to use the utmost safety when driving around. Kids in costumes may not be properly lit-up with reflective surfaces to help drivers see them. More kids are hit by cars and killed on Halloween night than the average pedestrian rate.

Also, it’s important for parents to keep an eye out for their kids. Check all the candy they bring home. Discard anything not sealed in a protective individual wrapper.