It’s time for Starbucks fans to get excited about the holiday season! The company announced today that they will be rolling out their holiday cups tomorrow! These red and green seasonal greetings are meant to generate buzz for the company. While they are beautiful, they have stirred controversy in the past. Despite that, they certainly boost sales and get people talking.

In fact, many customers look forward to the annual release of the holiday cups. It has become part of the Christmas tradition many fans love. Even as summer transitions into fall, Christmas is on the mind of their consumers. This is according to the company’s chief operating officer. He says fans are asking for the Christmas cups as soon as they release their pumpkin drinks.

“Customers have really let us know that tradition is important to them,” chief operating officer Roz Brewer told CNN Business. “Even when we introduce our pumpkin platform, they’re already asking about Christmas.”

For Starbucks, the holiday season isn’t just about the decorative cups. It’s also the variety of different seasonal flavors as well. This season, they’ve got five different flavors lined up: toasted white chocolate mocha, caramel brulee latte, eggnog latte, peppermint mocha, and chestnut praline latte.

Starbucks and Its Seasonal Lineup

Not only is Starbucks going to release those five drinks, they also have a few food items on the menu. These include a turkey and stuffing panini, a gingerbread loaf, sugar plum Danish, and others. They hope you’ll come in for the cups and stay for a festive lunch. They even plan to put a bit of extra time and money decorating their stores.

In fact, Starbucks has attempted to distance itself a little from the Christmas theme. They focused on general holiday cups, but there was a backlash. Now, they plan on going all out. Two of the cups have the phrase “Merry Coffee” and come in traditional red and green designs. They even looked to famous Christmas movies for designs.

“You’ll see our partners all in red aprons this year,” said Brewer, adding that in the past, red aprons have been worn “sort of infrequently.”

“We expect this momentum to continue as we move into the favorable holiday season,” he added.