Most of us have been too busy to cook at one time or another. In these cases, we might stop by and grab some fast food on the way home. But if it’s the weekend and you don’t feel like going out, you might decide to order out. And pizza isn’t the only thing you can order anymore. Apps like Doordash, Grubhub, Ubereats, and even more local companies offer delivery from all your favorite restaurants.

You might consider trying any of these companies. Allows you to eat out without actually having to leave your home. Use make an order online and it will come right to your door. The problem with these companies is that it’s difficult to determine whether your food will get to you safely.

In many cases, your driver might’ve been nibbling on your food. U.S. Foods Distributing Company conducted a recent survey. They found that a quarter of all food delivery drivers admitted to tasting the food they were delivering. 500 drivers were surveyed across the multitude of different delivery services.

Not only did one-in-four drivers admit to it, 21% of customers felt or suspected that their driver had tampered with their food. It gets even worse. Half of the drivers who were surveyed said the smell of the food really tempted them to have a taste. Only 28% said they actually couldn’t help themselves and did it.

Taking Some Food Off the Top

“I’ve seen people grab a couple of fries off the top, take some, and then kind of roll the bag up. People just don’t know how to control that hunger.” said Neftaly Gonzalez, an UberEats driver. “I’ve always considered, imagine this was me getting my food. Would I want somebody’s dirty fingers where I don’t know they’ve been touching the food that I’m supposed to be eating?” he said.

Maybe these drivers consider it a perk of the job. They have no problem munching on a few French fries while they deliver your food. Of course, they can just buy their own French fries. Why do that when they can get yours for free? In order to combat this, 85% of customers said that tamper-evident seals should be made a standard.

If you can’t do a little extra to ensure your customers that their food is arrived at their home safe, then you probably shouldn’t be in business.