Instagram Influencers Preparing for a World Without Likes

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Most of us use social media to connect with friends and family. We like to share different things that we do throughout the day or special events in our lives. For others, social media makes them a lot of money. In particular, these people are called influencers. They have tens of thousands even millions of followers on sites like Instagram and Facebook. Because they have a lot of followers, they get a lot of endorsements.

You might wonder how people like Kylie Jenner to become the world youngest billionaire. Of course, her family is filthy rich, but it didn’t take her long to figure out how to use her influence. With her millions of followers, companies pay her a lot of money to pump their products. All she has to do is get photographed wearing a particular purse or plug an event. The more likes you have, the bigger your influence, and the more money you make.

Sam McAllister isn’t as famous as the Jenner family, but makes good use of his 23,000 followers. Several of his photos get thousands of likes, and that’s important for Sam. He works for Stripe, an online payment company, but that’s not his only source of income. He’s made a nice chunk of change on the side using his influence.

He’s been able to do paid campaigns for airline companies while taking pictures of his visits to Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia. “The fact that my posts are massively engaged has paid off for me,” McAllister. “My main concern right now is that the number of followers a user has now defaults to be the main metric.”

Instagram’s Move to Remove Likes

While this move is detrimental for people like Sam McAllister, Instagram says they add too much pressure. Most issues feel pressure to get likes and if they don’t, it can damage their confidence and self-esteem. Too many young people find their self-worth based upon the attention they get on social media. This isn’t a good thing for the future of these companies. That’s why they’re eager to see how this change might help everyday users.

“We understand that the number of likes is an important metric for many creators, and while this test is in exploratory stages, we are thinking through ways for creators to communicate value to their partners,” said a spokesperson for Facebook, which owns Instagram. Just like any other business platform, influencers will have to adapt and change their business model.

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You Might Want to Reconsider Using DoorDash, Grubhub, and other Food Delivery Companies

Life Style

Most of us have been too busy to cook at one time or another. In these cases, we might stop by and grab some fast food on the way home. But if it’s the weekend and you don’t feel like going out, you might decide to order out. And pizza isn’t the only thing you can order anymore. Apps like Doordash, Grubhub, Ubereats, and even more local companies offer delivery from all your favorite restaurants.

You might consider trying any of these companies. Allows you to eat out without actually having to leave your home. Use make an order online and it will come right to your door. The problem with these companies is that it’s difficult to determine whether your food will get to you safely.

In many cases, your driver might’ve been nibbling on your food. U.S. Foods Distributing Company conducted a recent survey. They found that a quarter of all food delivery drivers admitted to tasting the food they were delivering. 500 drivers were surveyed across the multitude of different delivery services.

Not only did one-in-four drivers admit to it, 21% of customers felt or suspected that their driver had tampered with their food. It gets even worse. Half of the drivers who were surveyed said the smell of the food really tempted them to have a taste. Only 28% said they actually couldn’t help themselves and did it.

Taking Some Food Off the Top

“I’ve seen people grab a couple of fries off the top, take some, and then kind of roll the bag up. People just don’t know how to control that hunger.” said Neftaly Gonzalez, an UberEats driver. “I’ve always considered, imagine this was me getting my food. Would I want somebody’s dirty fingers where I don’t know they’ve been touching the food that I’m supposed to be eating?” he said.

Maybe these drivers consider it a perk of the job. They have no problem munching on a few French fries while they deliver your food. Of course, they can just buy their own French fries. Why do that when they can get yours for free? In order to combat this, 85% of customers said that tamper-evident seals should be made a standard.

If you can’t do a little extra to ensure your customers that their food is arrived at their home safe, then you probably shouldn’t be in business.

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7 Good and Bad Home Renovations You Should Keep an Eye On

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If you’re looking to add some resale value to your home and wonder what areas to focus on and which to definitely avoid, this article is for you.  It can be difficult (and quite expensive) to pinpoint the areas that need the most work, as different aspects of the house attract different buyers.  But there are a few places potential buyers look for first, which can help you decide where to focus the majority of your renovation budget.

1) Renovating the Kitchen

For around a hundred dollars, you can get a new faucet, add new handles to the cabinet door, and update lighting fixtures for a great feel.  If you have a higher budget, redo the cabinets completely and update the appliances, which will wow new potential buyers the moment they walk in.

To a majority of the people who search for new homes, the kitchen is the heart and soul of the whole place.  It’s the first place they go the moment they walk in the door. The kitchen/dining area is where families come together and bond, especially during the holiday seasons.  It’s where the magic happens. For a few hundred bucks, you can do a few updates to the kitchen to give it an improved and updated look.

2) Bathrooms. 

Bathrooms are often the second most important update in the house to potential buyers.  And the easiest to fix up. A new toilet seat and a re-grout of the tub may be all it needs.  Even new floor and wall tiles can be a quick, cheap way to give it a better, updated look.  

3) Add a room. 

Maybe you have a two-bedroom house and a den.  A small change may be all that’s needed to turn the den into a bedroom.  For example, maybe the difference is the den doesn’t have a closet. If you find a way to add the closet, suddenly you have a three-bedroom house and that’s much more valuable.  

4) Carpeting. 

Depending on how old the carpet is, it probably looks old and worn.  Even if it’s relatively new, a few years can really do a lot to make newish carpet look old.  You can rent professional cleaning equipment to spruce up the carpets in your home to give it a cleaner look.  If there are particularly bad spots of wear and tear, consider investing in new carpet or well-placed rugs to cover it up. 

Bad Renovations

5) Whirlpool baths, tubs, and saunas. 

These can be an attractive renovation feature, but in today’s economy and market, they can be considered as just too expensive to maintain, as well as the extra energy costs to run/use them. 

6) Personal additions. 

You love the additions you made to your home that suit your style.  For example, your taste in music and movies led you to install a state-of-the-art surround sound and home theater system.  Or the bar in the basement where you received guests. These are specialized, personal additions that may and often do not have any value to anyone other than you.  And thus, people will not pay a premium for a house because of these features.  

7) Wallpaper and paint. 

Just like adding personal renovation to the home, adding paint and wallpaper can turn away potential buyers.  A fresh coat of paint to update the feel of a room may not be a bad idea if it’s really worn, but don’t go crazy adding your own colors and getting it to look good.  Because again, it may look good to you, but not to them. They may feel the need to turn around and repaint or paper how they want it to look, making your attempt a waste of time and money.

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5 Ways to Prepare NOW for Christmas Spending


Christmas is easily the most expensive holiday of the year. In fact, the average American adds $1,000 worth of debt to themselves each holiday season. That includes meals, gifts, decorations, travel, and other expenses. As we get closer to this time of year, we need to start preparing our budget right now. Here are 5 ways to prepare for holiday spending.

1) Take a Christmas Inventory

You don’t have to buy brand new things every single year. You may already have a lot of stuff laying around your home. Do you have a few dusty decorations hiding in your attic or basement? What about a few gifts you’ve received in the past and never used? Regifting isn’t a crime. Neither is using old decorations. If it saves you money, that’s what matters most after the season.

2) Make a List and Check It Twice

Take a look at how much money you’ve spent during other Christmas seasons. Then, write a list of everyone you want to buy for. You can start working on that list earlier in the year. For example, Amazon Prime Day is often in July. That’s a perfect time to get a lot of great stuff for Christmas earlier. Rather than going into debt buying everything in November and December, start early. Take care of each need little by little.

3) Set Up a Christmas Savings Account

If you’re someone who enjoys going all out for Christmas, then set up a savings account. Little by little, throughout the year, you can add to it. This prevents you from having to go into debt. You should also decide that whatever you saved is what you’re going to spend. Be disciplined and don’t go over that amount.

4) Cut Other Types of Spending

When you know you have a lot of spending coming up, it’s good to find other things to cut. Wasteful spending on top of everything else will only put you deeper in the hole. Again, it’s better to set a budget and stick to it.

5) Remember the After Christmas Sales

If you’re looking for new decorations and other things, it’s best not to buy them before Christmas. That’s when they’re the most in-demand and the most expensive. After the season, stores are looking to get rid of the extra stuff they have. That allows them to sell it at a discount. There’s no harm in waiting until after the season to get the decorations you need for next year. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.

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5 Shocking Workers’ Comp Cases You Have to See to Believe

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Sometimes accidents happen.  The last place you want an injury to occur is in the workplace, potentially costing you time and money.  But some jobs are much tougher than others. The most common types of injuries in the workplace are sprains, usually caused by the lifting of heavy materials, as reported by The Travelers Companies. But that’s why Workers’ Comp exists

While slips, falls, and lifting injuries can be common in some jobs, there are other stories that tend to grab our attention. Not all Workers’ Comp stories are the same, as you’re about to find out. Here are 5 Famous (and often strange) Workers’ Comp stories.

Case #1: The Vending Machine of Steel

We’ve all spent some time trying to woo a member of the opposite sex.  We try to talk to them, buy them little treats, and often remind them how cool we are by doing dumb things we think will win us brownie points.  Often times, we end up looking foolish and the whole thing blows up in our face.  

That’s exactly what Clinton Dwyer was doing when he sustained a fractured hip that left him out of work for an undetermined amount of time.  Yes, Mr. Dwyer injured himself trying to impress a certain lady in his office, but not for a selfish reason. He was trying to free a bag of chips from the office vending machine…a bag of chips he was going to give to his lady of interest.  

It’s unknown how hard you have to shake a vending machine to fracture your hip, but this guy did it.  As a result, he filed for workman’s comp and won the case! The judge decided in his favor because he sought out the comfort of a co-worker by getting her chips when she was hungry. This makes it office and not personal related.  Interesting Workers’ Comp story.

Case #2: The Damn Dog Led to Workers’ Comp

For those of us who own pets, you know it’s downright impossible for them NOT to hang out around our feet and demand attention 24/7.  It’s in the pet ownership rulebook to make sure where you’re walking or something bad might happen. That something bad happened to Mary Sandberg.  She broke her wrist trying to make her way into the garage.  

You might wonder how a trip to the garage in her own home would result in Mary winning a Workers’ Comp case. As it turns out, she’s a decorator for J.C. Penny.  What she had in her garage were many fabric samples she was storing there. This made her home protected territory as long as she was doing her job there. 

Case #3: The Sex Lamp

A woman in Australia (name unknown) recently went on a business trip and while there, busted her face with a lamp attached to the wall.  How did she manage such an incredible feat? By having crazy sex that resulted in said broken lamp breaking off and smacking her. Of course, she filed for workman’s comp, which her place of employment fought.

Their thinking was that the sex wasn’t an ordinary act of the business trip, but the judge decided that no agreement was made beforehand about her conduct while on the business trip, so she won! Fancy that. Awarded Workers’ Comp for having sex on the job.

Case #4: A Man and His Bear

It must be pretty awesome (and terrifying) to work with bears on a daily basis.  Brock Hopkins, a bear feeder at Great Bear Adventures in Montana, gets to do exactly that.  You’d think a job like that would require a person to come to work with a sober and clear mind.  But that’s exactly what Brock didn’t do.

Finishing off his pot stash before work, Brock decided to have a little fun with a particular bear.  And when he ended up getting mauled and losing a part of his butt cheek, he was awarded $65,000 in Workers’ Comp damages to cover his medical bills.

Case #5: The Price is Wrong

Who hasn’t dreamed of one day turning that big wheel on The Price is Right? We can only hope it lands on the famous $1 to get that free spin.  That’s what Cathy Cashwell of North Carolina did in 2009. Using her whole upper body strength, she gave that wheel a good push and round it went. 

The only problem is, she was supposed to be out of work due to an upper-body injury. She was collecting the workman’s comp money while appearing on the show.  Oops! She pled guilty to fraud. There were also pictures posted to her Facebook of her zip-lining that were used against her as well. 

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China Says They’ve Reached a Deal with the U.S. to Cancel Tariffs in Phases


After the 16-month standoff between the U.S. and China, it appears tensions are finally settling. In fact, China and the U.S. has agreed to start canceling the tariffs that are currently in place. They will do it in phases, effectively ending the trade war. There was no specific timetable laid out, but negotiations are still ongoing.

Part of this deal would no doubt be to scrap current plans for additional tariffs in December. Trump pledged to tariff an additional $156 billion in Chinese goods by December 15th if a new deal wasn’t made. Those tariffs would be placed on items we buy and use every day, like toys, phones, and computers.

Chinese Commerce Secretary Gao Feng said that both sides cancelling tariffs had to be part of any ongoing negotiations. If both sides are agreeing to cancel tariffs, that only bodes well for future negotiations. It also means prices will begin to ease a bit. These tariffs are often a tax placed on goods that are passed down to the consumer.

This is also great news for consumer excitement going into the holiday shopping season. Many economists were worried about how the trade war would impact enthusiasm. So far, enthusiasm has remained strong and the economy is still roaring.

“The trade war started with tariffs, and should end with the cancellation of tariffs,” Gao told a regular news briefing.

Tariffs Will Be Canceled by Both Sides

China says the deal will only work if the two sides cancel out an equal number of tariffs. They can negotiate together to decide what that number should be, but it has to be equal.

“Both sides have agreed to cancel additional tariffs in different phases, as both sides make progress in their negotiations,” Gao said. “In the past two weeks, the lead negotiators from both sides have had serious and constructive discussions on resolving various core concerns appropriately.”

China also isn’t above kind gestures and reaching out to the U.S. They’ve also announced they plan to remove restrictions on U.S. poultry. This would be a massive boost to that the industry. It is also great optimism for U.S. agriculture that has been majorly hit by the tariffs. China banned all U.S. eggs and poultry back in 2015 as a result of the avian flu outbreak.

As of right now, stocks are surging upward at this news. It looks more and more likely that a new trade deal will be signed between the two country’s presidents when they meet next month.

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Veterans Can Now Get a Discount on their Amazon Prime Subscription


If you’re an Amazon-loving veteran, we have some good news for you! Amazon is looking to thank you for your service by creating a new promotion just for you. As we approach Veterans Day, the company wants to offer you a big discount on your Prime subscription. This includes all active duty, reserve, and veterans.

The discount is $40 off your first year of your subscription to Amazon Prime. That’s a bit less half off! If you’re already a Prime subscriber, there’s no reason to worry! They’ll offer you the same discount for your next year of use. That way you can extend the membership you have at the discounted price.

Amazon recently raised its price for Prime from $99 to $119. So, getting $40 off will make it even cheaper than it was before they raised their prices. You’d essentially pay $79 for the full year membership. There are a few things to note about this deal. It cannot be combined with other discounts you might already have.

For example, if you have a student discount, you can’t then also use the veterans discount. You also can’t use other partner rewards. Many companies will offer Prime at a discount for using their service. You can’t use more than one discount at a time. So, if you’ve always wanted to have a Prime subscription, here’s your chance!

Is Amazon Prime Worth the Money?

It really depends on how often you use Amazon. If you buy products from there throughout the year, then it’s definitely worth it. You get free one- and two-day shipping on all your orders. That right there is worth the cost and pays for itself over time. If you love entertainment, Prime comes with access to thousands of movies, TV shows, and streaming music for free.

The movies and shows you can find on there are pretty good. It’s like having a Netflix subscription with a little bit less content, all rolled in. So, if you’re an avid online shopper and love entertainment, then Prime is more than worth it. If you only use it once or twice per year, then it might not be for you.

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Holiday Cups Return at Starbucks This Week


It’s time for Starbucks fans to get excited about the holiday season! The company announced today that they will be rolling out their holiday cups tomorrow! These red and green seasonal greetings are meant to generate buzz for the company. While they are beautiful, they have stirred controversy in the past. Despite that, they certainly boost sales and get people talking.

In fact, many customers look forward to the annual release of the holiday cups. It has become part of the Christmas tradition many fans love. Even as summer transitions into fall, Christmas is on the mind of their consumers. This is according to the company’s chief operating officer. He says fans are asking for the Christmas cups as soon as they release their pumpkin drinks.

“Customers have really let us know that tradition is important to them,” chief operating officer Roz Brewer told CNN Business. “Even when we introduce our pumpkin platform, they’re already asking about Christmas.”

For Starbucks, the holiday season isn’t just about the decorative cups. It’s also the variety of different seasonal flavors as well. This season, they’ve got five different flavors lined up: toasted white chocolate mocha, caramel brulee latte, eggnog latte, peppermint mocha, and chestnut praline latte.

Starbucks and Its Seasonal Lineup

Not only is Starbucks going to release those five drinks, they also have a few food items on the menu. These include a turkey and stuffing panini, a gingerbread loaf, sugar plum Danish, and others. They hope you’ll come in for the cups and stay for a festive lunch. They even plan to put a bit of extra time and money decorating their stores.

In fact, Starbucks has attempted to distance itself a little from the Christmas theme. They focused on general holiday cups, but there was a backlash. Now, they plan on going all out. Two of the cups have the phrase “Merry Coffee” and come in traditional red and green designs. They even looked to famous Christmas movies for designs.

“You’ll see our partners all in red aprons this year,” said Brewer, adding that in the past, red aprons have been worn “sort of infrequently.”

“We expect this momentum to continue as we move into the favorable holiday season,” he added.

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Are You Ready for Cinnamon Coke this Holiday Season?

Life Style

Coca-Cola has been making a lot of moves with their flavors. This year they’ve released a new version of Coke Zero, added orange-vanilla, and even updated several flavors of their Diet Coke varieties. Coke and Christmas seems to go along well together. In fact, it was the Coke brand that first introduced the classic image of Santa Claus we love and enjoy today.

Every holiday season, Coke puts out their famously designed cans with the polar bear and Santa, all decorated and ready to delight families everywhere. This year, they want to expand a certain flavor that went over really well in the UK last season: cinnamon Coke. This new flavor looks to be launched on September 30th in time for the beginning of the holiday season.

Cinnamon Coke might seem like a weird combination, but those who tried the flavor in the UK last year gave it two emphatic thumbs up and are eager for its release again this year. That doesn’t mean the flavor will be as widely accepted here, as people in the UK doesn’t always share the same tastes with the US. Still, it might still be worth trying.

Currently, there is no word on what varieties of cinnamon Coke that will be provided. It may or may not hit the widely growing zero-sugar or Diet Coke versions. So, if you’re diabetic or staying away from full-sugar soft drinks, hopefully they will put out a version that you can try. Either way, the release will only be limited to the holidays from October through December.

Not Just Cinnamon

While we wait to find out if there will be sugar-free option for cinnamon Coke, the famous Coca-Cola isn’t the only flavor getting a holiday makeover. The company also owns the Sprite brand and is set to release a new holiday flavor for that as well. It’s called the Winter Spiced Cranberry Sprite. They’ve already been experimenting with Sprite and adding refreshing new flavors, so this holiday version isn’t so much of a Hail Mary throw to fans.

When the two sodas run through their cycle this holiday season, their success will determine whether these varieties will be run again next Christmas. Once again, the cinnamon Coke had great success in the UK and Coke has had a lot of success with their orange-vanilla and other Diet Coke flavors.

If the flavors don’t do too well, then they will most likely end up as part of the Coca-Cola museum where bad ideas and concoctions are sent to die and be immortalized forever as a failed flavor. They currently have many other unsuccessful and successful flavors that guests can sample when they visit.

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How Much Has Trump’s Trade War Hurt China’s Economy?

Real life

No one likes a trade war. It is essentially two powerful country raising taxes on its own citizens. But that doesn’t mean they’re not effective at getting things done. While many people understand that China has crossed the line, they also don’t like paying more for goods. It’s not good for anyone when the world’s top two strongest economies are butting heads.

The U.S. has taken steps to cut Chinese imports by as much as a quarter. That totals to around $35 billion so far. The move has also increased prices for American consumers. That’s a bad thing going into the 2019 holiday season. While the trade war has been going on for 16 months, there is some optimism a deal might be coming soon. Hopefully that’s just not wishful thinking.

“Overall, the results indicate that the United States tariffs on China are economically hurting both countries,” the report said. “United States losses are largely related to the higher prices for consumers, while China’s losses are related to significant export losses.” So, while both countries have lost money, it would appear the tariffs are doing what Trump wants them to do.

The Trade War and Its Impact

The industries hurt the most is Chinese manufacturing. They’ve been hit with $15 billion in losses. As Trump continued to increase the tariffs, the losses have been growing. As Chinese manufacturing was down, other countries really helped to fill the void. Specifically, Taiwan really won the most by taking in an additional $4.2 billion.

Mexico has also increased the amount of trade with the U.S. They hoped to reap some of the benefits and they have. The country has made an additional $3.5 billion from machinery and agriculture. For China, it’s looking more and more like those losses will be a permanent. They’ve been hit so hard their economy will struggle to recover.

“The longer the trade war goes on, the more likely these losses and gains will be permanent,” Nicita said. Not all of Chinese trade losses were picked up by other economies and billions of dollars in trade were lost entirely. This might be why China is now willing to come back to negotiations.

Make no mistake, China is a proud country. They won’t concede defeat, but hopefully the trade war will end very soon. If it goes on any longer, it could have disastrous implications for our economy.

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