Student loan debt isn’t something that’s going to go away on its own. Many people are simply waiting for the government to get their act together. They’ll look for solutions
As we enter 2019, many millions of Americans are worried about the student loan crisis. In total, 44 million Americans owe over $1.53 trillion worth of student loans. Is that
Government shutdowns can be a scary thing for a large portion of the population. Many people rely on government assistance and benefits for survival. With the shutdown happening on December
President Trump signed a new student loan forgiveness law earlier in the year. This new law allowed for almost 42,000 disabled veterans to get their student loans completely wiped clean.
If you’re wondering how well the economy is doing, all you have to do is look at holiday sales. The stock market might show some volatility, but that’s not the
Most people assume that all forms of debt are the same. Take out a loan when you need it and that’s it. Sign the dotted line and you can have
We’re officially less than a week from Christmas day. If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have your stockings filled just yet. In fact, a lot of people still
Student loan debt continues its record-breaking rise in the United States. As of November, the amount of outstanding debt has reached $1.465 trillion. As with any kind of debt, this
They say there are only two certainties in this world: death and taxes. Both give us an uneasy feeling in our gut, but only taxes haunt us relentlessly every single