The True Cost of Love on Valentine’s Day

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Ahhhh, Valentine’s Day. Or, Singleness Awareness Day if you’re one of the unlucky few without someone today. It’s okay, this writer is currently single and understands how you feel. But for the rest of you lucky ladies and chaps, Valentine’s Day often comes with a price. That is, unless you’re one of those couples who agrees NOT to do something this year.

Only half of all Americans polled said they plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Those that do are expected to spend a record amount of money this year. This will leave a handful of companies to look longingly into their earnings this year after it’s all said and done. So, what is the true cost of love?

According to the National Retail Federation, it’s estimated that $20.7 billion will be spent on Valentine’s Day this year. That’s up 6% from last year’s number of $19.6 billion. There are certain industries that thrive during this time of year. In particular, jewelry companies, clothing, candy, flowers, and even gift cards are popular. Here’s how they all break down:

Expected Valentine’s Day Sales for 2019

• Jewelry: $3.9 billion
• Clothing/Lingerie: $2.1 billion
• Flowers: $1.9 billion
• Candy: $1.8 billion
• Gift Cards: $1.3 billion

The Bouqs Company, an online floral retailer, revealed that they can easily make $1 million on special holiday occasions like Valentine’s Day. Mother’s Day is another huge retail day for them as well. Candy companies also do very well. The Ferrara Candy Company makes the popular Branch’s Candy.

Branch’s Candy is hoping to reel in a large number of sales this year due to a new product. They’re calling it Conversation Hearts and so far, it has seen a 10% increase in sales. The company wouldn’t speculate on estimated sales. Yet, the major candy maker Hershey’s also says they expect to have an increase of 3.67%.

Hallmark says Valentine’s Day is the #2 largest card day only behind Christmas. Each year they create over 900 different Valentine’s Day card designs and sell an estimated 144 million. Cards, flowers, and candy are the main staple around this holiday of love. Jewelry is a big seller too. Tiffany & Co. says their profits are up 15% this year.

Of course, none of these numbers appear to add in money spent on fancy dinners at restaurants. Still, it goes to show how much people are willing to spend to show their love for each other.

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Trump’s Tax Cuts Resulting in Lower Refunds

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Whenever a U.S. President cuts taxes, Americans get optimistic. At least, those with any financial understanding will realize that tax cuts are great. They stimulate the economy by giving people back more of their money. When they have money, they spend that money, which creates jobs.

So far, the economy is booming. Unemployment is down to historic lows. While this is great news, there’s another aspect to Trump’s tax cuts that are having unintended consequences. As we roll towards tax season, many people have already filed and received their refunds. In many instances, where people expected a refund, they received a bill showing they owe.

Trump’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act made some cuts to the individual taxpayer rates. The largest cuts were for businesses. The corporate tax rate went down from 35% to 21% and it gave these businesses more deductions. While this has allowed businesses and the economy to thrive under Trump’s reign, that’s the extent of the benefits.

Tax Cuts Creating Lower Refunds

Judging by early returns, it appears as if the average refund is down 8% for 2019. This is the first year that the new tax code went into effect. Many people are dismayed to see their refunds are smaller than the previous year. In 2017, the average return was $2,035. So far in 2019, that number is down slightly to $1,865.

This new tax law, passed in 2017, brings the most sweeping changes to the economy in over 30 years. It brought about lower individual rates as well as a doubling of the standard deduction. While this is the case for most people, there were reductions in other popular deductions. This means that many Americans are losing crucial tax breaks they once relied upon.

After the government shutdown, it was unclear if the IRS would even be fully operational. It was said that refunds wouldn’t be pushed out in time. That gave a lot of Americans concern, as many rely on that tax refund for investment. Many people enjoy their refund to make major purchases, as down payments, or to pay off debt.

Many economists are saying these tax cuts might just harm the economy. If people receive less money back, or are even expected to owe, it cuts into spending. Many Americans turned to Twitter to vent their frustrations over this issue. Many of them are Trump supporters who are saying they were duped into believing the tax would help the middle class.

The Truth About the Numbers

While people are frustrated with a lower return, that doesn’t mean the tax cuts aren’t working to help stimulate the economy. Most of the bluster is politically motivated. In reality, most of these people saw a bump in their take-home pay. If you pay less in taxes, then, of course, you’re going to have a lower refund. That’s how it works.

The reduced deductions do hurt, but overall, the tax cuts have had a positive impact on the U.S. economy. Currently, the Trump administration is mulling over even larger tax cuts aimed directly at the middle class. Of course, this would also result in getting less money back during tax season. Yet, we could all use that bump in take-home pay.

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5 Successful Traits Millionaires Have that You Should Follow

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Most of us at some point in our lives have shared the desire to become a millionaire. To have a seemingly endless supply of money and less financial concern is attractive. It is estimated that there are 10 million millionaires in the United States. For the rest of us, it seems as if struggling financially will be our common theme.

But what if there are certain traits that allowed a person to become a millionaire? What would happen if we followed these traits and applied them to our lives? The reality is, millionaires don’t live like the rest of us. They don’t think as we do. They have a motor that won’t let them quit reaching for the stars.

So, let’s take a look at several traits millionaires have that can change the way we see money and wealth. Note: In no way are we saying that you’ll become a millionaire by doing these things. We’re simply sharing traits that can improve your relationship with money.

1) Millionaires are Extremely Focused

Most millionaires did not wake up with money in their bank account. There’s this common idea that if you have a lot of money, it was passed down to you. That’s not true at all. One common trait all millionaires share is that they had a single goal. It’s not just the goal that one day they would have a lot of money. We all have that goal.

But that wealth became a single driving factor. They focused on and molded their life around it. No matter what obstacle they came before them, they crashed through and kept going. That’s the difference between them and us. The ‘common’ person usually gets scared off the path. Something gets in their way and they immediately veer off where there’s less resistance.

We don’t take chances. We don’t keep fighting for our dreams. Learning from our mistakes seems hard to us. So, the very first obstacle that comes our way makes us want to give up and go in a different direction. This is not what successful people do. Millionaires know what their goal is and they’re focused on getting there. Nothing can sway them.

2) They’re Always Improving Themselves

Sort of going along with the first point, millionaires decide to learn from their mistakes. They try something, it fails, and they learn how to do it a different way. This is how most inventions and cures are discovered. Successful people don’t take no for an answer. In this way, they’re constantly looking for new ways to improve themselves.

In order to figure it out, people who become millionaires are always continuing their education. This doesn’t mean they go back to college but are regularly reading books, watching videos, and attending seminars. They understand the value of learning from those who came before and blazed new trails.

3) They Take Risks

One major trait millionaires have is that they’re not afraid to take risks. That doesn’t mean every single risk is rewarded. A lot of risks end up failing, but that’s part of the fun. Not being afraid of failure and knowing they will learn from it is what allows them to go beyond the norm. There’s no such thing as a wasted opportunity.

The rest of us like to play it safe. We might get a great idea, but we put it on the shelf and forget about it. Or we get too busy and our dreams fade away. We even have a lot of self-doubts that prevents us from getting outside of our comfort zone. Millionaires jump at the chance to seize any opportunity they can get their hands on.

4) They’re Not Big Spenders

This might seem contradictory at first. You’re thinking, “Rich people are always spending money. They have expensive cars and huge mansions.” But that’s just enjoying the fruits of their labor AFTER they’ve made it. Their big philosophy is not to work for money, but to have their money work for them. That happens by crunching and saving until they reach their point of success.

5) Millionaires Lead

Millionaires tend to be a ‘take charge’ type of people. They don’t sit back and wait for something to happen. They don’t let fear hold them back. If they want something, they go get it. If they have a goal, they’ll do whatever it takes to reach it. And they don’t just keep that energy to themselves. They reach out to others and lead by example.

Being a leader isn’t just being ‘the boss’. It means inspiring others and lifting them up as they go. That means a lot of people will want to be around those who can elevate their sense of being and awareness. When you’re around more successful people, it changes your thinking. You feel less sorry for yourself and work harder to reach your goals. This is what natural leaders do.

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How Much Do Couples Plan to Spend for Valentine’s Day?

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For most couples, Valentine’s Day is a huge part of their relationship. Giving and receiving some sort of gift is common. Going out to eat or having a romantic dinner at home is essential. Unless, of course, you’re one of those people who sees it as nothing more than a money-grab. Even then, if your significant other is expecting something, we dish out the cash to make it so.

So, how much do people expect to spend on Valentine’s Day? The breakdown is actually quite different when looking at the individual sexes. Even the amount of time spent together impacts the amount of money spent. For example, do married couples spend more or less on Valentine’s Day than engaged couples?

Lendingtree revealed a survey that said most men plan to spend around $95. For married couples, that price fell to $57. It would seem as if married couples plan on having less of a romantic day than newer couples. Engaged couples spend $92 while dating couples spend $88. While men plan to spend more money, the reason why the averages drop is women.

On average, women only expect to spend around $41 for their loved one. It goes to show that Valentine’s Day really isn’t a day for the men. Instead, they would rather do the spoiling and the spending to ensure their ladies have an amazing day. So, how do these numbers break down when it comes to overspending?

Overspending/Underspending on Valentine’s Day

There seems to be a fine line on how much is too much…or too little. Spending money on gifts for Valentine’s Day is essential for a lot of couples. But, there are those couples who know money is tight and they have better things to spend their money on. Expensive chocolates, roses, and dinner don’t have to be a part of the plan.

The same survey revealed the couples found overspending on this holiday a much riskier proposition. Just 4% of couples said they would feel disappointed if their partner spent less money. Yet, 25% said they’d be frustrated if their partner spent too much. This is a good sign that most couples have their financial priorities in order.

With this being said, it would appear most couples don’t really plan too far ahead for Valentine’s Day. One-third of couples don’t expect or demand any gift while an even higher number say they don’t have plans. It’s not really a ‘big day’ most couples plan for. Rather, it’s seen as a ‘grab roses on the way home from work’ sort of holiday.

Generational Spending

Valentine’s Day spending isn’t just broken down between the sexes. No, we also have numbers on how each generation plans to spend money. As you would expect, the younger generation plans to spend the most at $113! Generation Z is keeping the romance alive and appears to have the most to gain.

As we branch out into Millennials, they only plan on spending $49, less than have of Gen Z. Baby boomers will spend even less than that, saying they don’t want partners spending too much.

Really, the holiday breaks down into so many age gaps and categories. Those who have the most to gain, the younger generation, plans on spending the most money. They are still at the age where it takes more money to impress that special someone. Over time, less money is spent on Valentine’s Day and often less is expected.

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5 Tax Filing Mistakes to Avoid this Year

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As we push through February, you might be one of the millions of Americans waiting for their tax return. The 2019 tax season is underway and the IRS is anticipating your filing. With the deadline set at April 15th, many are tasked with deciding whether they are going to file early. It seems like a no-brainer. Why wait until the final stressful week?

There are other benefits to filing early. One benefit includes thwarting anyone from filing in your name. It happens as identity thieves try to steal your tax return. The best reason, of course, is to get your refund back quicker. Despite these reasons, many people put it off until the last minute.

Sure, when you file is completely up to you. But when you do, you must be careful to avoid any of the numerous tax mistakes Americans make each year. If you do file early, making a mistake can derail your return. Here are fix tax filing mistakes people make and how to avoid them:

1) Forgetting Any Forms

It’s understandable that tax forms aren’t always easy to read. You may not know which forms you need to have in front of you before filing. If you have multiple incomes, then you’ll need a 1099 or W-2 from your employer. The can be a delay in processing your return if they receive a matching copy without your submission.

This can also lead to penalties, fines, and even an audit, which is something we all want to avoid. Employers have a deadline of January 31st to send all appropriate forms to their employees. This ensures they have the right forms when it comes time to file.

2) Forgetting or Ignoring 1095 Health Form Requirements

One big thing you have to do before filing your tax return is proving you have health insurance. The IRS made it a requirement and will reject your return if you can’t verify your coverage. Yes, the new law does remove the mandate, but it won’t go into effect until the 2020 year. Whatever you do, don’t forget to add your healthcare information to your tax return.

3) Not Double-Checking Your Information

Mistakes happen to the best of us. The last place you want to make one is on your tax forms! You should ALWAYS look back over your forms to ensure that you’ve:

• Signed the document
• Double-checked your math
• Are using the correct year’s forms
• Have every appropriate box filled out
• All your information is written legibly

You may want to get your tax return finished quickly, but don’t be in too much of a hurry. It’s easy to forget or overlook something when you’re just trying to get it done. Review all your information, even twice if you have to. You’ll be glad you did in the end rather than facing a penalty, rejection, or even audit.

4) Filing Amended Tax Forms Incorrectly

You may not know when it’s important to send an amended form if any mistakes were found. But you should only do it if there has been a change in your income modifications, deductions, or filing status. You don’t need a new 1040 to start over, but rather 1040X which is an update to what you already filed. You can’t do this electronically, though. Only paper copies.

5) Forgetting 2019 Contributions

In some instances, some investments you make in 2019 are still categorized until the 2018 year. For example, contributing to your IRA. As an example, any payments made to your IRA before April 15th, 2019 are considered to be towards the 2019 year. That’s just how the years stack up. If you already filed your taxes for 2018, you’ll have to file an amended return.

The main lesson for filing early is, it’s worth it, but you don’t want to make any mistakes. It’s never a good idea to rush through something just to get it over with. No one likes to sit down and figure it all out, but when you do, do it right. Check your work, fill out the forms properly, and make amendments where necessary.

Think about your tax return as an investment. You put the proper amount of work into it and it will work out in your favor in the end.

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Millennials Have Different Retirement Goals than Older Generations

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The millennial age group certainly like to do things a lot different than previous generations! They’re constantly looking for new ways to do it faster, stronger, and better than ever. They’ve changed the way we do business, interact with each other, and now retirement. In the mind of millennials, how we think about retirement needs to be rebooted.

The way we think about our golden years is outdated. Not only do they hope to retire sooner, but they also don’t fully see themselves retiring in the traditional sense. Millennials also don’t want to wait to the end of their life to enjoy time off. Bankrate put out a new survey that says the ideal retirement age for this generation is 61, but even then, it’s not what you think.

Millennial Retirement Fluidity

Millennials don’t see retirement as a single stopping point. As with a lot of other things, they want a fluid lifestyle. Rather than waiting until the end to enjoy life, deferring real pleasure until later after a certain age, why not enjoy it now? Later on, benefits are not guaranteed. Millennials have more opportunities than any other generation before them.

How is this possible? The internet. Many millennials are becoming entrepreneurs and starting their own business. They make videos and covet going viral. They work hard at developing a presence that almost guarantees success if they keep trying. And it’s paying off. Need to pay some bills while living as a stay-at-home parent? There’s an app for that.

This new type of lifestyle is incredibly different than what our parents and grandparents had to do. They couldn’t just log online and clock in, working from a computer at home. They had to sell products door-to-door rather than to a Facebook group. Millennials definitely see the world differently than the rest of us. It’s full of opportunity.

Millennials Aren’t Poor

There’s a massive perception out there that millennials are poor. Even on this website, we’ve revealed that many young adults are still living at home. They struggle to pay back student loan debt. Even the Federal Reserve blames millennials for the destruction of once prominent industries. But, a new study has revealed this to be untrue.

It was found that the median income of people aged 22-35 is $70,000 per year. That means half of all millennials make more than that. That doesn’t discount the plight of millions of them in the lower bracket who are struggling to get by. Yet, this median income is a new record, reveal that there are plenty of young people making good money.

These opportunities create a change in both lifestyles and retirement goals. If you’re making $150,000 per year from your laptop, what’s to stop you from traveling the world for a year? Millennials are enjoying the chance to make new experiential purchases. They pursue passion projects and engage in activism.

A new Bank of America survey is also revealing a different picture of millennial life. 16% of young adults have $100,000 or more in savings. How do you make that much money before you’re 35? They know how to play the game and play it well. They know time is on their side and they have decades to collect on compound interest.

This is the other side of the story for millennials. Maybe the rest of us should be paying attention!

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Will the Government Shutdown Delay Food Stamps in February?

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As the government continues to fight over the border wall, many Americans are beginning to worry. Now the longest government shut-down in the country’s history, no side is backing down. Both Republicans and Democrats believe their side to be right for the country. While they debate back and forth, many are scared about losing their food stamps and other benefits.

First off, you have the over 800,000 Federal workers who aren’t collecting a paycheck. There are airport terminals closing because TSA agents are calling out sick. They’re not really sick, but rather being forced to work while not being paid. While the government promises to reimburse them, the biggest concern is with food stamps and benefits like WIC.

Back in December, many wondered if the government shutdown would impact their food stamps. Luckily, the government assured everyone there would be enough through January, but February might be a bit sketchy. In fact, the USDA said they only had enough benefits to make it through January. That means millions of the poorest Americans might not get the assistance they rely on to eat.

Are Food Stamps in Jeopardy During the Shutdown?

Despite the USDA saying they could only fund the food stamp program through January, it appears a deal has been worked out. It was revealed that the USDA and the Trump administration came together to forge a deal. This deal would continue to fund food stamps throughout the month of February.

“Our motto here at USDA has been to ‘Do Right and Feed Everyone.’ With this solution, we’ve got the ‘Feed Everyone’ part handled. And I believe that the plan we’ve constructed takes care of the ‘Do Right’ part as well,” said Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue in a statement.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 42 Americans receive food stamps. 70% of those recipients are households with children who rely on those benefits. Another third of those are disabled Americans or seniors. It’s not just food stamps that are good to go. WIC and school lunch programs are also slated for a boost through February.

While this good news, the future of these programs hangs in the balance. The government remains shut down and the two sides are at an impasse. Neither side seems willing to budge to take care of the American people. Even the USDA itself remains shut down during this time, so it’s great to hear they will be helping Americans.

March continues to be up in the air. We can only hope this shutdown is over by then.

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The 2018 Holiday Season Retail Sale Numbers are In

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If you’re wondering how well the economy is doing, all you have to do is look at holiday sales. The stock market might show some volatility, but that’s not the only indicator. If people are doing well, and feel confident, they will let loose during the holiday season. That means they have extra money and earnings are doing fairly well.

So far, the early data for 2018 looks excellent! This appears to be one of the best holiday seasons in over 6 years. SpendingPulse, which tracks both online and in-store spending, found that the total U.S. retail rose over 5.1%. This is compared to last year’s holiday season numbers. All forms of payment are included in the numbers.

The 2018 Holiday Season by the Numbers

Mastercard has released the figures. American consumers spent over $850 billion this holiday season. The stock-market corrections, nor the government shutdown, seemed to have any impact. Consumer confidence remains high. Many attribute the numbers to Trump’s tax cuts, increasing wages, and the number of available jobs.

If there are more people finding work, then that’s more people buying gifts for loved ones. Spending has remained high throughout the holiday season. They haven’t slowed down a bit since the first of November. E-commerce and brick-and-mortar sales were both up as well, but online shopping helped propel the numbers forward.

Online sales alone were 26.4% higher than they were the year before. December found a small slowdown happen for sales. That mainly has to do with the fact that Thanksgiving came earlier this year. It’s hard to sustain increased spending for an extra amount of time. But, as expected, holiday season spending picked right back up ahead of Christmas.

It also didn’t hurt that Christmas was on a Tuesday this year. Monday, Christmas Eve, saw a major push of shoppers looking for last-minute deals.

Fierce Competition

Amazon, Walmart, Target, and other major brands have been duking it out over the past few years. Amazon was easily taking larger chunks of the market share, which prompted Walmart and Target to adapt. They had to figure out a way to be like Amazon and update their website. This holiday season, they were ready to compete with the giant for online sales.

Walmart and Target specifically extended their own ‘guaranteed delivery by Christmas’ deadlines. Amazon took things a step further by offering same-day delivery up to Christmas Eve in select cities. Other options included ordering online and picking up at the store later. Those sales were up as much as 47%.

Brick-and-mortar sales rose 3.3% from last year’s holiday season. Department sales, once a leader, saw a continued declined of 1.3%. This had to do mostly with several major closings throughout the year. Either way, it would appear as if holiday shopping is moving back in the right direction.

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Student Loan Debt Forcing Americans to Desperately Fall Behind

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They say there are only two certainties in this world: death and taxes. Both give us an uneasy feeling in our gut, but only taxes haunt us relentlessly every single year. It’s not just taxes. It’s the cumulation of all our bills. Interest rates climb. The cost of living goes up. College becomes increasingly expensive, forcing people to take out student loan debt and fall behind even more.

The reality is, many Americans struggle from time to time. Income volatility happens to us all. This can make it extremely difficult to fulfill our obligations.

It was estimated that as many as 8.2 million of us get behind, owing as much as $83 billion to the IRS. Add that to the $5.3 trillion owed in student loan debt. What about credit card debt and mortgages? People are fighting to keep up during a time when the economy constantly bounces from one extreme to the other.

There are numerous reasons why this happens. It can be anything, such as their life is completely out of control, to simply not having enough money. Life disruptions, such as a death, sickness, and divorce, happen to most of us. Having student loan debt makes it all increasingly worse.

Income and economic volatility makes it difficult as well. If you don’t know what your income will be any given year, it makes it downright impossible to guess how the year will play out. If you’re doing well for a year, you might consider getting a new vehicle. Then you’re stuck with the lease even if you lose your job.

If you have a lot of student loan debt, give Financial Helpers a call! We’d love to hear from you. You can reach us at:

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Student Loan Debt Getting Increasingly Expensive

This isn’t even the worst part. It’s understandable that we have needs. Life is getting increasingly more complicated and expensive while income remains unpredictable.

The problem is, no one cares. It doesn’t matter what reason or excuse you have. If you don’t pay your taxes, they will come after you. If you can’t afford your student loan debt payments, it will go into default. They’re like sharks smelling blood in the water: relentless. The mayhem won’t stop until you’ve paid what you owe.

The first step is usually a bill in the mail, followed by phone calls. If that doesn’t work, they’ll show up at your door or place of employment. Then they pull out the big guns, escalating the situation even further by taking drastic collection measures that include wage garnishment, seizures, and liens. That’s on top of adding interest and penalties.

Whatever it takes, they’ll do it without mercy.

You Can Fight Back

Despite the misery getting behind can spread, there are ways you can successfully fight back!

The worst thing you can do is to sit and let the government take your money, property, or put a lien on your bank accounts. They will keep piling on interest to increase the amount you owe. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle that won’t just resolve itself.

The best thing you can do at this point is to find some muscle to help you deal with the situation. Consolidate loans. Don’t secure more debt until you have the old debt paid off. And whatever you do, don’t get behind. Pay your bills on time.

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Be on High Alert for this Holiday Email Scam

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It seems as if every year, there’s a new scam for consumers to be worried about. 2018 is no different, as a new scam is spreading this holiday season. It works by tricking you into thinking you’ve bought something when you didn’t. So, how does this scam work and how can you prevent it from taking advantage of you?

Scam artists are great at picking apart human behavior and striking at the right time. Currently, millions of Americans are shopping online for their loved ones. How many of us have been buying gifts? With that comes a bit of concern for privacy. We have an expectation that while we’re on Amazon or other e-commerce sites that our data is protected.

When we shop online, we often get an email correspondence from that website thanking us for our purchase. Scammers are hoping to use this busy online buying system to trick users into thinking someone stole their card and was making unapproved purchases. They’ll receive a malicious email citing an online purchase was made.

“The kind of spam that criminals use doesn’t seem so spammy to a lot of people this time of year,” said F-Secures Behavioral Science analyst Adam Sheehan in a statement. “The failed delivery notification scam works because it plays on our trust of huge brands that we deal with on a nearly constant basis.”

The “Science” Within Scam Emails

F-Secure conducted a study that found people are 39% more likely to click on phishing scam emails during the holiday season. The scammers pretend to be a reputable brand you probably shop at. It’s easy to get caught up in the emotion of the season. In this way, the scam artists are like amateur behavioral therapists who understand human behavior.

“They know we’re inclined to click first before we ask questions,” the cybersecurity firm said. They count on us being extra busy and distracted. 69% of the spam campaigns attempted to get the users to visit their fake website and download malware-filled software. By doing that, they can gain access to your credit card or bank account information.

“They [criminals] use this information to take over accounts or use the credit cards to steal goods and services online,” Wilk said.

How to Protect Yourself this Holiday Season

The best way to protect yourself is to remain vigilant over your purchases. If you keep track of what you buy and keep a close eye on your bank account, it will be difficult to catch you off guard. It’s also important to buy only from secure sites, which guarantee your information is protected at all times.

You can also help yourself by not clicking on every email you get. Train yourself in looking for scams, so you can avoid them at all costs. Rather than using the link provided in the email, go to the website instead to check what you actually bought. You’ll find more often than not that the email was an attempt to scam you.

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