After Oil Attack on Saudi Arabia, Higher Gas Prices Could Send Global Economy into a Recession

Real life

It seems as if any little hiccup in the Middle East causes gas prices to shoot through the roof. The oil companies are certainly looking for ways to boost the price to draw in as much income as possible. But now, after an oil attack on Saudi Arabia, and promises of retaliation, this sudden acceleration of trouble in the region could dramatically increase gas prices.

It’s this sudden increase that could push the global economy one step closer a recession. Many nations around the world are already teetering on the edge, including recent indications from the United States. The U.S. is further from a recession than, let’s say, Germany whose economy has been dropping like a stone in recent years.

Yet, a growing trade war with China is have global economic effects felt across every sector. Gas prices have been fairly low lately, with the price per barrel at $54.82 last Friday. Now analysts are predicting prices in the upper $70s as a result of this attack. No one knows yet exactly who committed the attack, even though the United States places the blame firmly on Iran. Iran has denied the accusation.

“The events in Saudi Arabia have ratcheted up tensions in the Middle East to a new level raising concerns about supply security,” said Chris Midgley, global head of analytics for S&P Global Platts. “Price could move higher if Saudi production is confirmed to be curtailed for a more substantial period which is not our current assumption,” he

U.S. Could Tap into Reserves

Kellyanne Conway, advisor to President Trump, suggested that if oil prices do rise dramatically and a shortage takes place due to escalating tensions, the U.S. could make a move. Currently, the United States is the world’s #1 oil producer, and we still have what’s called a Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This reserve is only opened in the case of an emergency. By flooding the market, it could keep gas prices down, at least here.

It’s unknown if whether the U.S. reserves would be pumped into the global market. At the very least, expect the price of gas to jump in the next few days. If you haven’t filled up yet, do so now while the prices are low enough. Oil prices have been creeping down in recent weeks, so this news is unwelcome, especially when it’s unknown exactly what happened in Saudi Arabia on Saturday.

The plant that exploded, the Abqaiq plant in Saudi Arabia’s Khurais oil field, pumps out 5% of all the oil in the world each day. Now that it’s shut down, expect the impact to be immediate unless the reserves are opened right away.

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3 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get the Scholarship

Real life

Ahh, the smell of free money. If your student looking for extra money to get through college, the best thing you can do is apply for scholarships. It’s literally free money that you don’t have to pay back. Every dollar that you get in scholarship money is another dollar that you don’t have to take out student loans.

By reducing the amount that you take out in loans, the quicker and easier it will be to pay it back. It also means there’s less time for additional interest to accumulate on to what you already owe. This is why applying for a scholarship is a great way to help lessen the student loan burden.

The problem is, getting a scholarship can be a little bit of a complicated process. You actually have to apply for them and get accepted. Many students feel as if this isn’t worth the time and effort, as if adding additional weeks, months, or years towards paying off their student loan debt is going to be easy.

And yes, it’s possible to be denied a scholarship. If this happens, it’s usually due to a number of different circumstances, many which are simple to understand. Let’s take a look at several reasons why you might’ve been denied a scholarship.

1) You Didn’t Turn in Your Application in Time

One financial aid officer revealed an interview that she contacted three students who would potentially qualify for a particular scholarship. All three individuals reacted differently. The first one completed the application and turned it in on time. The second had a family issue and asked if it was possible to delay the deadline.

The third didn’t really understand the concept of the deadline. And this is what can get tricky. The deadlines are completely arbitrary and are set up to see how seriously you take applying for a scholarship. They’re going to give you free money that you can put towards your college so the least you can do is take the application process seriously. Get your applications in on time and follow the rules.

2) Thinking It’s Not Worth the Time

Sometimes students have the wrong view about scholarships. They believe that only the elite students are going to get one. While in many instances having a 4.0 average is something a lot of scholarships might look for, many will overlook a few discrepancies and grades if the student finds a way to stand out from other applicants.

Again, getting a scholarship can save you a lot of time and money down the road. You should still apply even if you think it’s not going to be worth your time. You might get denied, but you might show something to the person granting the scholarship that allows them to say yes and that’s always worth it.

3) Thinking There’s Too Much Competition

If there’s a lot of money on the line within any given scholarship, a student might decide to pass on it because there’s a lot of others probably applying for the same thing. A lot of applicants might mean you have less of a chance of being awarded. The truth is, that’s not necessarily true. Many of the best scholarships actually have very few applicants for this very reason.

As stated above, it bears repeating. You have no idea what the outcome is going to be or what the grantor of the scholarship is going to see on your application that gets you approved. Still, you should apply no matter what the excuse is.

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There Are More Single Women in the Workforce than Ever Before

Real life

In the U.S. there are more single women working than at any other time in the past, and that’s having a direct impact on the economy. These women contribute nearly $7 trillion. It’s estimated that in the next decade, nearly half of all working women will be single. This is data according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

According to other research from Morgan Stanley, women have always been the bigger spenders in the average U.S. household. They even spend more money than married women, which is why this shift is important to note. Personal care, food, luxury items, footwear, and electric cars are all being boosted by this demographic.

Single women have more money to spend on themselves, where married women tend to be more family focused. They even spend more on personal care, like massages and making sure they look good. Currently, men are the largest buyers in the country when it comes to larger purchases, like cars. Women are certainly taking a larger piece of that pie for sure, giving car companies a massive boost.

Women Spend More on Basic Needs

Don’t let the first part of this article fool you. Women just don’t buy lipstick and yoga pants. They are also more likely to be heading low-income households. Single mothers who are low-income spend as much as 82% of their entire budget on necessities, according to a report from the Brookings Institute.

“Low-income households, which are more likely to be headed by women, spend 82% of their budget on basic needs like housing, food, transportation, health care and clothing,” said Lauren Bauer, fellow in economic studies at the Brookings Institution.

Housing usually takes up more of the budget, especially the less money you make. But women aren’t just staying at home. More women than ever are going back to college and getting degrees to have the opportunity to get better jobs. As millennials and the younger generations are putting off marriage, they have no choice but to focus on taking care of the bills.

80% of all single women in the country are working or looking for work. That’s going to force companies to make some decisions in the future.

“We have to talk about releasing the pressure on the household,” said Pam Jeffords, partner and diversity & inclusion leader at PwC. “This means for employers to think about care — both for children and parents — as a condition for employment rather than a benefit. Organizations need to stop assuming that there’s one kind of traditional family unit that needs one kind of support,” she said.

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Trump Considered Acquiring Greenland as a U.S. Territory

Real life

According to several sources close to President Trump, he has, on more than one occasion, floated the idea of acquiring Greenland to make it a U.S. territory. Maybe it was just a joke, or perhaps it’s an idea he has regularly considered to be a realistic possibility. Either way, there’s no doubt that the real estate mogul has eyes on Greenland for many reasons. 

Currently, Greenland is a Danish territory and has been part of the Scandinavian heritage ever since Vikings first landed there over a thousand years ago. The president has asked his advisors on more than one occasion, mostly as dinner talk and in passing, what it would take for the U.S. to take Greenland under our wing. 

The advisors were said to have been listening with a certain amount of interest. Greenland has vast natural resources and is situated in an important location, so there’s geopolitical significance. It wouldn’t be a dumb idea, but whether it could actually happen is another thing. Still, Trump was said to have asked his advisors to look into the idea, so we know he’s at least semi-serious. 

Greenland’s Response

Greenland is the world’s largest island and is made up of mostly ice. It has a tiny population of just 56,000 and self-governs while being a part of the Kingdom of Denmark. Its own government makes the decision on domestic issues, but whether Greenland becomes a part of the U.S. is up to Copenhagen, Denmark, where the true seat of power is. 

Greenland’s foreign ministry made a tweet today in response to the news. They stated that Greenland is open for business, but it’s not for sale. They then went on to list all of the amazing natural resources Greenland has to offer in a bid to increase tourism and perhaps some more lucrative trade deals. 

With that being said, Greenland is an important defense partner with the United States. They have a signed treaty that goes back several decades and it allows the U.S. nearly unlimited troop access to America’s northernmost base around 750 miles above the frigid Arctic Circle. The base is Thule Air Base and houses the U.S. Air Force Space Command and others. 

The U.S. isn’t the only country trying to get a foothold into Greenland. China has also been after the country’s rich natural resources. The Trump administration has been looking at ways to prevent China from getting their talons in and taking what they want. China attempted to finance three airports in Greenland, but the Pentagon was able to block it from happening. 

Whether anyone would be able to take Greenland from Denmark is questionable, but there will certainly be an increase in attention as more countries look for better resources. 

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Chase Bank Forgives All Credit Card Debt for Canadian Customers

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In a move that has stunned just about everybody who heard about it, Chase bank is decided to forgive all credit card debt owed by their Canadian customers. This is surely a massive sigh of relief to those with outstanding debt. Chase bank is part of the J.P. Morgan New York based system and decided a few months ago that they would close all credit card accounts in the country.

While they closed all credit card accounts, everyone was still obligated to pay their debt. That was until yesterday when Chase finally told everyone that they had been forgiven of their debt. Many are wondering how this happened or why, but it makes financial sense for Chase. Since they are closing all accounts anyways, the most likely felt that it was more expensive to continue hiring people to chase down those who still owe credit card payments.

“I was sort of over the moon all last night, with a smile on my face,” Douglas Turner of Coe Hill, Ontario, told the Canadian broadcaster. Turner said he still owed more than $4,500 on his card. “I couldn’t believe it.”

“It’s crazy,” Turner added. “This stuff doesn’t happen with credit cards. Credit cards are horror stories.” The 55-year-old trucker also told CBC that his most recent payment on the account would also be reimbursed.

Taking Care of Customers

Again, rather than hiring a third-party to chase down the debt, Chase bank pulled a stunning PR move that will undoubtedly bring in more fans of their brand. They felt it was easier for all parties involved to just forgive the debt. Chase bank brought two different types of reward credit cards into Canada. What was Amazon and the other was Marriott hotels, offering rewards based upon usage.

Vice-President of Communications of Chase said in a statement to Reuters that forgiving the debt was a good move because it “was a better decision for all parties, including and most importantly our customers.” It looks to have been the right decision.

“I’m honestly still so … flabbergasted about it,” he said. “It’s surprise fees, extra complications – things like that, definitely, but not loan forgiveness.

A 24-year-old university student, she said: “It’s kind of like I’m being rewarded for my irresponsibility.” All there were many who are irresponsible with their credit card debt, this gives many Canadians a fresh start towards a better future. With credit card debt piling up past the trillion-dollar mark, many Americans can only hope that one day some of their debt will be forgiven so that they too can have a fresh start.

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Millennials Say Dating is Too Expensive for Them

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Millennials have a lot of struggles in our post-recession world. Among them are crushing student debt, rising costs, and the fact that a large portion of them cannot afford to live on their own. They are forced to make a lot of difficult decisions as a result of being known as the broke generation.

Many studies have revealed that millennials are putting off a lot of major decisions. The reason is they simply can’t afford them. They’re waiting longer and longer to buy a house, get married, and have kids. Student loan debt is one of the main causes of this problem. When you’re paying out towards your debt equivalent to your rent payment each month, you’d have reasons to be concerned, too.

But another area millennials are struggling to afford is the dating life. recently did a survey that revealed 30% of millennials say dating is too expensive for them. Their financial instability makes dating that much more difficult, as it’s hard to explain to a prospective partner why they’re not as stable. Typically, not too many people would find financial instability appealing when choosing the right partner.

A Worthless Investment?

To be fair to millennials, dating is quite expensive. One millennial shared this thought with USA Today, claiming to spend hundreds of dollars each month to go out on dates. That’s a lot of change to spend, especially if such attempts don’t work out. Then you’re in a constant struggle of routinely dating to find someone who sticks.

Let’s face it. If you’re going to date, then you need to do it right. Men especially feel obligated to take dates out to a nice place, which can get fairly pricey. Add in other costs, like going to get a coffee, seeing a movie, or other dating venues prospective couples do. Even if the couple agrees to go Dutch, going on a date can cost a pretty penny.

Nearly half of all women find financial security to be a deal breaker. Of course, if you’re going to start a relationship with someone that can lead to marriage, you would want your spouse to have some financial security. Nearly 90% of women say finding a kind partner is really their main goal, but the financial aspect does matter to them somewhat.

Commitment Issues?

In reality, millennials might just be making excuses. A new survey found that this generation has a difficult time making a commitment. 39% of them found committed relationships boring. There is a lot of fear of settling down with the wrong person and in today’s modern culture, dating and sex aren’t mutually inclusive any longer. Dating on its own merits is just a fun evening and tomorrow they’ll go out with someone else.

More than ever millennials are breaking off dates for some fairly crazy reasons, like incompatible zodiac signs or minor disagreements, like not agreeing on what the best restaurant in town is. These show an eagerness not to commit, but to find weak excuses why it’s not working out.

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FCC Chair Finally Bans Robocalls

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If you’re like most Americans, you hate receiving robocalls. They often hit at the most inopportune time in a matter how many times you block the phone number, they just hit you the next day from a new number. If you’re one of the millions of Americans who get regular robocalls, then we have some good news for you!

The FCC (or the Federal Communications Commission) has officially voted to approve a law that would effectively ban all fraudulent phone robocalls and texts, even international calls, from making their way to your phone. There was already an act in place, called the Truth in Caller ID Act. It was signed into law by Pres. George W. Bush.

While it was a good law while it lasted, it needed to be updated. It only focused on domestic calls made, but did nothing to stop international robocalls. It also did very little to address text messages, which weren’t as big of a thing back then. This new law does ban text messages and international calls as well as allows the FCC to monitor these types of calls. If someone breaks the law, they now have the power to punish any person who calls to peddle their scam.

The FCC Chairman Ajit Pai was the first to bring up this new legislation earlier in the summer. The government agency has been receiving many thousands of calls and complaints consumers sick and tired of the constant robocalls that won’t stop no matter what they do. They even use something called “spoofing” which fakes the area code the scammer is calling from to make it look like a local call.

Too Many Robocalls

AARP recently released an estimation through their Fraud Watch Network that revealed as many as 48 billion Robo calls were made in the last year alone. Those numbers are up as much of 57%, which is just absolutely ridiculous. You know many of the people at the FCC also get plenty of these types of calls, which is why they acted so quickly to get them banned.

Last week the House voted to pass a new law that forces your carrier to authenticate every single call you receive. You’re able to add your phone number to the Do Not Call Registry by visiting In order to help enforce this new law, the FTC (or Federal Trade Commission) has stated that they plan to increase enforcement against these types of calls. They are suing many of the companies who make these billions of robocalls each year.

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Financial Incentives for Buying an Electric or Hybrid Vehicle

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A lot of people today think that electric and hybrid vehicles are new technology, but electric cars have been around since well before combustion engines arrived on the scene.  Electric cars were quite popular back in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Even New York City’s first fleet of taxis were electric cars.

So, what happened?  Well, the combustion engine was in its infancy.  It was difficult to start, using a crank to get it going.  Also, there were a lot of fumes and it smelled. This is why electric cars were more popular back then, but the popularity didn’t last.  Combustion engine cars were simply cheaper to make and cheaper to buy. In the end, the lower price always wins out.

That’s not the whole story.  There were other advancements in combustion engine technology.  Not only did you get much more range, but fuel was cheap and abundant.  Once they figured out how to do away with the crank to get the engine going, and added a tailpipe to send the exhaust out the back of the car, it all but sent the electric car into near extinction.  

Environmental Concerns

Fast forward to modern times and we’re now dealing with an epidemic.  Environmental concerns are making their way to the forefront of people’s minds.  Pollution, due to more than a century of burning fossil fuels and other pollution, is threatening our planet.  Now, people are giving electric and hybrid cars a second look as a means of reducing pollution.

The problem is, electric cars still aren’t cheap.  They’re still more expensive than combustion engine cars by as much as 20%.  The price is definitely keeping people away from investing in eco-friendly vehicles.  To counter this cost, the government has decided to offer a bunch of different incentives and credit to inspire you to buy them.

Tax Credit and Incentives

There’s a lot of research you will have to do on your own before purchasing an electric car.  There are a lot of varying factors that depend on what you buy and which state you live in. Federal rules can be difficult to understand, so find a dealer who knows what they’re talking about and bring your own research to the table.  

The federal government will grant a tax incentive up to $7,500, but there’s a catch.  It’s not a blank check to everyone. You only get the full $7,500 if you owe that much in taxes.  If you owe $5,000, then you’ll only get $5,000 in credits. And no, you won’t get the difference. It is what it is.  But state-level benefits exist too, but they vary per state. Of course, states like California have better incentives than those who are less environmentally savvy.  

The credits will also depend on the side of the battery in the car.  Different cars will have different benefits attached to them, so, again, do your homework.  Some models will get you more incentives and some don’t have any at all.

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Burgers are Proof that the Dollar is Way Too High

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You may look at the title of this article and wonder how hamburgers prove that the value of the dollar is way too high. But when you look at it, the value of a dollar is what determines how expensive things are comparative to their worth. For this reason, you’ll find products that are cheaper or more expensive in other parts of the world. Burgers are yet one indicator to show exactly what we mean.

The Economist put together what they called “The Big Mac Index.” This index was their way of showing exactly how high the dollar is valued compared to other currencies. It looks at what it costs to buy a Big Mac burger in other countries and how much we would pay for that same sandwich here in the United States. The Big Mac Index is quite revealing.

The exchange rates we see with the dollar versus other currencies really reflect the value of goods across the spectrum. It allows us to see which currencies are over or undervalued. The indicator put together during the Big Mac Index revealed that the dollar has been growing increasingly stronger over the past few months and it was pretty strong to begin with.

The Cost of a Big Mac

With the Big Mac Index, we can see how different currencies stack up against each other. For example, the Euro has fallen in recent months. You can get a Big Mac at McDonalds in Europe 19% cheaper than you can in the states. Just 6 months ago, it was 17% cheaper, so you can see how the currency has lowered in value. It’s also a good indicator of just how inflated the U.S. dollar is comparatively.

In Russia, you can buy a Big Mac for $2. That’s because their ruble is 65% undervalued compared to the dollar. The cost in the U.S. is about $5.74, so you can start to see the differences and how much the value of our money can impact prices. We wonder why prices seem to continue to go up, and this is why.

The U.S. dollar is so overvalued that there is only one country that is higher currently. The Swiss franc is 14% higher than the dollar, which makes the cost of a Big Mac there $6.60. It’s quite interesting to see the disparity of prices around the world for the same burger. There’s no wonder why President Trump and 2020 Democratic candidate and Senator Elizabeth Warren have both come out in favor of lowering the value of the dollar.

If goods are more expensive here in the states, it really hurts the economy. Wages and jobs are still growing each month, but if goods become too expensive, it can really damper how much we are able to buy. Quite frankly, when the always reliably cheap McDonald’s starts bumping up their costs, more families are going to think twice about eating out there.

We Can Expect a Lower Dollar Soon

One debate currently raging right now is whether the Fed will cut interest rates later this year. The higher dollar makes it difficult for the U.S. to continue their dominance on the world market. It gives us a disadvantage and allows other economies to catch up. That’s why politicians across the spectrum believe a weaker dollar is good for the country.

During his campaign and even as president, Trump has long accused several countries of being currency manipulators. Russia and China are two of the worst ones, but even Europe has been deploying the tactic as of late.

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The FTC Has Hit Facebook with a $5 Billion Fine for Privacy Violations

Business , Real life

After a year of investigations and months of negotiations, the Federal Trade Commission has officially decided to punish Facebook for their multiple privacy violations. It was announced last Friday that the mega social media website will have to pay a $5 billion fine. This is the largest fine any company is ever received, but there’s a good reason for that.

The US tech industry does a lot for the US economy. It employs many thousands of people and helps to advance our country and civilization as a whole. For this reason, Facebook and many other companies in Silicon Valley have mostly been unregulated. There haven’t been too many rules set to help protect the privacy of hundreds of millions of Americans who use their websites.

While Silicon Valley is indeed unregulated for the most part, the US government has shared its intention of pushing back a bit. Some presidential candidates, like Senator Elizabeth Warren, I’ve talked about breaking up the major tech companies. They’re raking in billions of dollars while violating the trust and security of the American people.

While this FTC fine is the largest ever given to any company in the history of our country, it’s being done to set a precedent. It’s getting word to other social media websites that they better fix their privacy issues right now. If they don’t, that even larger fines may be levied in the very near future.

The Impact of Facebook

Full details of the fine and have been released as of yet. Neither Facebook nor the FTC has come out with any comments either. The Justice Department still has to get together and review the terms of the fine, so it isn’t 100% official just yet. There are still a lot of different questions that need to be answered regarding social media and the law that protects the privacy of its users.

The decision they’re trying to make is understanding whether Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg can be held personally liable if the company itself violates the privacy of its users. A lot of it has to do with Facebook’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election. The fight really began as a result of political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica obtain information from millions of people improperly.

The data was taken and sold without the knowledge of Facebook users. While some users did give their permission and voluntarily downloaded the app that collected personality information, it also collected the same information from their friends without permission. This led many to wonder exactly how much power Facebook has been whether they enforce any privacy policies that all.

The thing is, Facebook promised the FTC back in 2011 that it would never share data with any third-party companies without the consent of the users. They made this agreement with the FTC after it was found that Facebook was purposely deceiving the people about their own privacy practices

A Drop in the Bucket

While this is the largest fine ever levied against any company, many critics say it’s only a drop in the bucket for Facebook. In fact, they made over $15 billion worth of revenue in the last quarter alone. A $5 billion penalty is nothing to them it may feel as if Facebook can decide to continue violating user privacy.

If all that’s going to happen to them as they get a slap on the wrist, what rules do they really have to follow? Over 2 billion people across the world use Facebook, which generates many billions of dollars every year. Social media marketing is prevalent among many tens of thousands of businesses which uses Facebook for their own success.

“They can issue a really big fine, which is just a parking ticket,” Matt Stoller, a fellow at the anti-monopoly think tank Open Markets Institute, recently told WIRED. “We don’t think a fine matters. We need a structural solution here.”

In a letter to the FTC in early May, Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Connecticut) and Josh Hawley (R-Missouri) argued that the FTC should “compel sweeping changes to end the social network’s pattern of misuse and abuse of personal data.”

“Personal responsibility must be recognized from the top of the corporate board down to the product development teams,” the letter read. “If the FTC finds that any Facebook executive knowingly broke the consent order or violated the law, it must name them in any further action.”

The reality is, the critics are right. $5 billion is nothing but a parking ticket; a drop in the bucket. If they really want these mega companies to protect the privacy and rights of the citizens, the government needs to institute a real change and comprehensive reform. A “small” fine like that does nothing to really push for change, but gives the illusion they’re actually doing something.

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