Student Loan Interest Rates are Rising

Student Loan Consolidation

If you’re someone who is paying off a student loan, added interest is a terrible thing. They make the things we buy with credit more expensive. Of course, the banks love it. And when the rates increase, it’s hardly noticeable. At first.

You may not realize when the rates increase. It happens slowly, but before you realize it, the rates have doubled. The same thing happened the James Park, a 42-year-old scientist.

Paying on his $38,000 student loan, Park rarely noticed anything different. His loan increased monthly in fairly small increments. After three years had passed, he saw that the overall interest doubled. He started out paying 2.4% and recently found it was 4.3%.

Tackling the Student Loan Problem

All over the country, people are suffering under the heavy burden of their student loans. While the current economic climate is improving, it allows for interest rates to soar. When times are bad, the government can lower the rates to help people get by. They even offer student loan forgiveness to those who qualify.

The last thing anyone wants to do is pay more money over the life of their student loans. If you’re struggling, there are several options at your disposal. The first is having a firm understanding of what your interest rate does and why you have it. Only then can you go through the process of fixing it.

Understanding Your Interest Rate

You might think that the federal government is typically in charge of the student loan rate, but that’s not always the case. If you’ve received a private student loan, it most likely comes from a rate that is tied to something called Libor. Libor refers to the London Interbank Offered Rate. As the rates go up or down, that’s typically what most students receive that year.

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For this reason, students receiving a loan this year will have a higher rate than if they got one last year, and so on. There are other variables as well, such as your credit score, history, and whether you have a co-signer.

The problem is, most college students get a student loan with zero credit to their name. Rates are often high and take as long as a decade to pay back. This only adds fuel to the epidemic already raging when interest rates climb higher.

How to Fix the Student Loan Problem

One of the first things you should do if dealing with student debt is calling Financial Helpers. Our team of experts handles this type of situation every single day. The government offers several student loan forgiveness programs for people who qualify. Most borrowers have little knowledge of their options, so calling the number below is important to find out.

Call Now 844-332-2079

Because your rate is often tied into your credit score, that gives you some options as well. When Park first got his student loan, he had little income and no credit. Once he graduated and found employment, made on-time payments, his score improved. Park was able to refinance his loan and get a lower, fixed rate.

A fixed rate means you’ll pay that single rate, no matter how the interest changes. Refinancing your loan can help you get a much better rate. If your credit score improved, that means you’re more trustworthy to a creditor. That equals to lower overall payments.

Student loan forgiveness, refinancing, and getting a fixed rate all possible. You don’t need to suffer any longer. Call Financial Helpers today to see your options.

Call Now 844-332-2079

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Americans are Now Paying A Lot More in Credit Card Fees

Credit & Debt

When the economy starts to surge, Americans begin having confidence in their spending habits. But rather than paying cash for these things, we’re turning to our credit cards more than ever.

43% of Americans have been carrying around a card balance for longer than two years. The average credit card debt per household has spike to over $16,000 and pays over $1,200 in interest each year!

Collectively, that totals to $104 billion in interest payments per year. That’s a lot of money! The bad news is, it’s up 35% from 2013. That says that most people didn’t learn their lesson from the Great Recession and continued to pile on more debt than ever.

As the economy continues to rebound, it means interest rates are only going to spike higher. My March of 2019, they rates are expected to climb by 10%, so those already high interest payments will exceed $110 billion. These rates are soaring faster than mortgage rates, and yet, it doesn’t seem to bother Americans.

In the first quarter of this year alone, household debt rose $63 billion to a new record of $13.21 trillion. This is getting to epidemic proportions and could lead to a new recession in the near future. Economists are startled, to say the least.

With personal debts slated to get much more expensive in the coming years, you have several options now to help settle your debts and pay a lower interest rate. It will require you to be proactive and to stop accumulating more debt.

One of your options involves consolidating and refinancing your debts with Financial Helpers. All it takes is a single phone call to see what your options are and we’ll help create a plan that works FOR YOU. If you can refinance your debts, it will lower your overall interest payments, saving you thousands of dollars. Give us a call at the number below:

Call Now 1-844-332-2079

Other options include cutting back on your spending so you can afford the higher interest. Yes, the economy might be soaring, and you might be on tract financially, but you have to ask yourself where you’ll be if you lose your job or if the economy hits the toilet.

You can choose to tackle the debt with the highest interest rates first, but it’s not going to help you if you keep borrowing money for things.

Overall, you’re going to have to take your budget seriously. We’ve revealed how a lot of Americans simply aren’t as financially literate as they should be regarding how they make and spend money. Because of that, they often find themselves in trouble, fail to save for emergencies, and often have to work well past retirement age because they couldn’t save.

Don’t put yourself in that position. Give Financial Helpers a call and we’ll help you get out from underneath this heavy burden once and for all.

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