Should You Quit Your Job? Here Are 4 Signs that It’s Time to Leave
In a tough economy, we really don’t get much choice in the matter. Jobs are scarce and we’re thankful to be making money. Yet, there are times when we really should consider whether our job is pulling us down. Work shouldn’t always be exciting. That’s why they call it “work”. At the same thing, enjoying what you do is a great incentive to stick with the company.
Many of us go to college and spend tens of thousands of dollars to get a degree in a field we want to work in. At the very least, it shouldn’t be too difficult to find work in a field we enjoy. Many industries spend millions on catering to their employees to keep workers in the building and the turnover rate as low as possible.
At some point, workers get fed up. Many are considering whether to leave their job. Is it the right time? Can you find better pay and benefits somewhere else? Is the grass really going to be greener on the other side? These are answers you can’t know until you actually move on. But there are signs that will tell you when it’s time to go.
Sign #1: Work Becomes Unchallenging
If your job becomes unchallenging, you might be considering a move. As humans, we enjoy a good challenge and work that tests us. It’s not necessarily the amount of work, but the type of work we are called to do. Suzy Welch of CNBC calls it the ‘velvet coffin’. “You’re stuck in the kind of job I call a ‘velvet coffin’ — comfortable, but deadly to your brain and spirit, not to mention your career,” Welch says.
Again, this has nothing to do with the workload. Rather, we want to go home feeling like we accomplished something. We were challenged and met the challenge. It’s a rewarding work experience we’re after. If work becomes slow and boring, we won’t treat it the same and will become less productive.
Sign #2: No Sign of a Raise in Sight
Along with going home with a sense of accomplishment, we want to know that there’s room for growth within the company. We want to be rewarded for our hard work and for the skills we have. Many companies do help show their employees this satisfaction by offering raises, bonuses, and many other benefits. Many of them can be related to work performance.
Yet, if we’re putting in all this hard work and making our boss rich and the company is thriving, but we receive nothing for it, we will start to back off a bit. It’s only human nature. There’s a reason why we work. It’s for personal gain. With little opportunities for growth and proper compensation, we will consider moving on. In this case, you should find a better job that will give you what you deserve.
Sign #3: You Get No Support from Management
There’s a popular saying that goes: people don’t leave companies; they leave their bosses. There’s actually data that backs this up. Most of us are willing to work in the grind and build ourselves up within a company. But bad bosses make us beyond miserable. Even if everything else about the job is great, including the money, we will leave simply because the boss is unbearable.
Often enough, if the boss is bad, the culture at work turns sour as well. A Gallup study looked at the number of people who left their job due to a bad manager. Out of 7,000 U.S adults polled, 50% of them left due to managerial frustrations. Most of that having to do with the lack of support their bosses provide.
A good manager exists to empower the staff and to help them achieve a better culture that’s inclusive and positive. Yet, a lot of people in positions of power let that get to their head. They’re too bossy, don’t communicate efficiently, and view employees as cockroaches that can be squashed if they don’t follow order. If that’s your boss, it’s time to leave.
Sign #4: No Room for Growth
We sort of covered this previously, but that was more focused on the money aspect. In reality, your employment should consist of personal growth within your career. You gain experience the longer you’re with a company. That experience should be worth something. That means growth beyond an entry-level position.
Management opportunities, massive raises, and so much more, are a part of that process. Maybe you feel you’re in-line for that spot higher up, but someone with less experience gets the role. Or the boss is always promoting their kid ahead of you while the kid barely lifts a finger. In that situation, it’s time to move on and go where you’re more appreciated.