How Having Student Loans Can Keep You from Buying a Home

A credit score is a precious thing to any person who hopes to live the American dream. If you want to buy a car, a home, or get a loan,

Legal Battle Over Obama-Era Student Loan Forgiveness Law

There’s a legal battle raging in Washington D.C. over the fate of the Obama administration’s law on student loan forgiveness. As the new president was sworn in, President Trump and

Racial Wealth Inequality Made Worse by Student Loans

It’s easy to talk about how student loans are impacting the quality of life for millennials. They’re delaying life decisions until later in life because this repayment of loans is

Misconceptions About Letting Student Loans Go into Default

Every year, millions of Americans rush to college. It’s part of the American dream. We’ve been told since we were little. If you want to make good money, you need

How Volunteer Work Can Help Pay Back Student Loans

For millions of people struggling with their student loans, many of them are searching desperately for options. For those who couldn’t find work after obtaining their degree, going into default

The Student Loan Debt Problem is Worse than We Could Imagine

It might seem like the title of this article is a sensational headline to instill fear. In reality, the student loan debt problem continues to grow out of control in

4 Things Every Parent Should Know about Student Loans

As August comes to close, most college students have already made it to the dorms in preparation for the new year. Perhaps you’ve already secured all the funding you needed.

Student Loan Debt is Hurting the Economy

As August is wrapping to a close, many fresh-faced college students are descending into their dorms to obtain the holy grail known as a college degree. Many believe they MUST

How You Can Prevent Student Loans from Destroying Your Credit

We’ve covered the ongoing student debt crisis extensively here at Financial Helpers, and we’ve made it our mission to help graduating students know how they can solve their debt problem
